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visitors since 2007

oppositional poetry, prose, polemic
Simon Haines
Summers Then
Summer days were longer then
we played outside all day,
not tempted by alluring screens
or interfering strangers.
The buddleia next door
brought brightly coloured butterflies:
red admirals, tortoiseshells, and more
with names we didn’t know.
Without fear of predators,
innocent and confident,
though on display and vulnerable,
playing in the sun.
Wine of the Month– Pinot Noir
At twenty pounds a bottle you can't go wrong:
it's predictable, but can pack surprises.
Hints of hibiscus with raspberry lurking,
it's elegant and silkily smooth.
If you're tempted by this charming wine
but can't quite afford twenty quid,
there's a food bank special at Trashco this week:
only five pounds forty-nine.
Simon Haines © 2023