Contributors from Australia, Austria, Canada, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Palestine, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Tasmania, Tunisia, Ukraine, USA, Wales, Zimbabwe
visitors since 2007

oppositional poetry, prose, polemic
Recusant Contributors
Vinita Agrawal was born on August 18th 1965 in Bikaner, India. She is a freelance writer and researcher based in Delhi.
Alastair Aisgill, b 1940. After receiving a classical education, Aisgill entered the Royal Marines in which he served for ten years, travelling to many different parts of the world. This gave him a keen interest in other cultures and peoples. His subsequent career as a Civil Servant brought him into contact with men and women from all walks of life, particularly the unemployed. Much of his poetry is retrospective and melancholy as it deals with childhood, life's setbacks, and illness; however this is based on a fundamental belief in the resilience of the human spirit, and the hope for better things to come always pervades his work. Aisgill, who is now retired, is a keen genealogist who has traced his own major family lines back to the Tudor period. His other interests include military history; heraldry; and transcribing old documents. He has recently translated an 18th century French play into English.
James Aitchison was born in Stirlingshire in 1938 and educated Glasgow University (MA 1960) and Strathclyde University (Ph D 1973). In the 1960s he was a publicity copywriter at The Scotsman, and later held minor posts in Scottish colleges and universities. He reviewed poetry for The Scotsman from the mid-1960s to the mid-70s and for The Herald (formerly The Glasgow Herald) from 1986 to 1992. James and his wife-muse, Norma, celebrate their 57th wedding anniversary in August 2017. Poetry collections: The Gates of Light (Mica Press, 2016), Foraging: New and Selected Poems (Worple Press 2009), Brain Scans (Scottish Cultural Press 1998), Second Nature (Aberdeen University Press 1990), Spheres (Chatto & Windus 1975), Sounds Before Sleep (Chatto & Windus 1971). Criticism: New Guide to Poetry and Poetics (Rodopi Editions, Amsterdam, 2013), The Golden Harvester: the Vision of Edwin Muir (Aberdeen University Press 1988). Since the publication of The Gates of Light his new poems have appeared in Acumen, Best Poems of 2016 (The Scottish Poetry Library on line anthology), Brittle Star, The Dark Horse, The Frogmore Papers, The Herald, London Grip, New Writing Scotland, Painted, spoken, Poetry Salzburg, Reach Poetry,
The Reader, Scottish Left Review, The Scottish Review.
Christopher Allen, a native Tennessean, lives with one foot in Munich, Germany and one in London. Allen's fiction and creative non-fiction have appeared in numerous journals and magazines. His story Red Toy Soldier took first prize in The Smoking Poet's third annual short story contest. Allen co-edits the literary ezine Metazen and writes about his obsession with seeing the world at
R. A. Allen was born Memphis, Tennessee, USA in 1947. His fiction and poetry have appeared or are forthcoming in The Literary Review, The Barcelona Review, the New York Quarterly, PANK, Calliope, Boston Literary Magazine, Word Riot, Pirene's Fountain, and others. He lives in Memphis.
CB Anderson, born in 1949, traces his origin to Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA. He was the longtime gardener for the PBS television series, The Victory Garden. In the past five years his poems have appeared in numerous print and electronic journals in Great Britain and North America. His e-chapbook, A Walk in the Dark, is posted on the website of The New Formalist Press.
Miggy Angel is a London-born poet, now resident of Nottingham. He has been published in 3am Magazine, and has also had work featured in Whalesound. He has performed his work at various venues nationwide, and blogs regularly at
Amelia Arcamone-Makinano lives in Queens, NY, USA and teaches at Forest Hills High School. She was happily writing poems at the University of Tampa, FL, when destiny jetted her to NYC. Her professional career began in a closet and a typewriter balanced on her knees while writing sales manuals for a Broadway fashion company. She went on to journalism and covered crime for The New York Post, then horse shows for equestrian publications, like Horseman's Yankee Peddler. Amelia is now settled in the suburban part of Queens and is back to writing poems. She is published in The Poetry Warrior ezine and Ken * Again.
Leah Armstead was born in 1956. She has worked formerly as a poetry editor and poetry workshop facilitator in schools, nursing homes, and mental health drop-ins; an English teacher; medievalist and researcher into women's history; rape crisis counsellor; mental health project worker among other occupations. She has won prizes in both the US and UK and has had numerous poems and articles published in, among others: 13th Moon, Red Read, The Big Issue, Cyfarfod, Louisiana State Poetry Society Competition Journal, Community X-Press, Greenwave Magazine, Matriarchy Studies, Women and the Book (Oxford University Press), Pendulum, In Sync, Ragged Raven The Machineries of Love Anthology, Leaf Poems Anthology (2008), Earlyworks Web Competition (2007), Wells Literature Festival, commended (2006), Welsh Poetry Competition, commended (2007). She lives in Wales.
Dr Keith Armstrong was born and bred in Heaton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, where he has worked as a community development worker, poet, librarian & publisher. He has been a self-employed writer since 1986 and he has just received a doctorate, for his work on Newcastle writer Jack Common, from the University of Durham. He was Year of the Artist 2000 Poet-In-Residence at Hexham Races, working with painter Kathleen Sisterson. His poetry has been extensively published in magazines such as New Statesman, Poetry Review, Dream Catcher, Other Poetry, Aesthetica, Iron, Salzburg Poetry Review and Poetry Scotland, as well as in the collections The Jingling Geordie, Dreaming North, Pains of Class and Imagined Corners (Smokestack), on cassette, LP & CD, and on radio & TV. He has toured to Russia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Poland, Iceland (including readings with Peter Mortimer during the Cod War), Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Cuba, Jamaica and Kenya. His poetry has been translated into Dutch, German, Russian, Italian, Icelandic and Czech. His travels to Denmark, Germany, Holland and Sweden have also been supported by the British Council. He was Year of the Artist 2000 poet in residence at Hexham Races. Other commissioned work includes ‘Fire & Brimstone’ the story of Tynedale artist John Martin, and ‘The Hexham Celebration’, both for the Hexham Abbey Festival, and The Hexham Riot (publication and outdoor performance). He also has also compiled and edited a local history book The Town of Old Hexham and organised a mini-festival celebrating the life and work of Hexham born poet Wilfrid Gibson in 2003. He appeared again at the Hexham Abbey Festival in 2008 reciting the poetry of Gibson. His poetry book The Darkness Seeping, based on the Prior Leschman Chantry Chapel in Hexham Abbey, was published in 1997.
Sebastian Barker FRSL (16 April 1945–31 January 2014). Guarding the Border: Selected Poems (Enitharmon 1992), The Dream of Intelligence (Littlewood Arc 1992, a long poem based on the life and works of Friedrich Nietzsche). Chairman of The Poetry Society between 1988-1992. Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 1997. Editor of The London Magazine in 2002-08. Damnatio Memoriae: Erased from Memory (Enitharmon 2004), The Matter of Europe (Menard 2005), and The Erotics of God (Smokestack 2005). Sebastian Barker reading from his Poems (The Poetry Archive 2006).
Andrew Barnes is steadily building a reputation in the West Midlands poetry scene through publication in a number of literary magazines. He had work recently published in an anthology linked to the charity Mind and can regularly be found performing his work at Poetry Bites Kings Heath.
Christopher Barnes is a Newcastle-based poet. His first collection Lovebites is published by Chanticleer. He has written art criticism for Peel and Combustus magazines. He reads yearly at Poetry Scotland's Callendar Poetry Weekends. In 1998 he won a Northern Arts Writers' Award and went on to have a solo exhibition of poetry/artworks at The People's Theatre.
Rudy Baron co-founded Downtown Brooklyn, the literary journal of the Brooklyn campus of Long Island University, in 1992, and served as editor until 1998. He served as an instructor of English at that campus for a number of years before pursuing a Law degree at Cardozo School of Law in New York City, which he completed in 2001. Since then he has decided he hates Law, has given up on the legal world and has gone back to teaching, only this time at the public school level. He has been published in a number of journals and written two chapbooks, Shirts and Shaved Armpits and The Lingo of Beer. He has two beautiful daughters who he dotes on regularly.
Richard Barrett was born in Salford in 1976. He gained a BA in Politics and Contemporary History from University of Salford in 2002. He gained an MA in Modern British History from University of Manchester in 2006. Lacking the will and commitment to take his History studies any further he is about to commence another MA. He is preparing to undertake Scott Thurston's Innovation and Experiment Creative Writing MA at the University of Salford. Richard currently languishes in the Civil Service and writes in the evening and on weekends. His poetry has been published in The Delinquent, The Mental Virus, and The Ugly Tree. He has poems forthcoming in Parameter and in the chapbook Home, published by Time Travel Opportunists. His poetry has also appeared online at Great Works, Literary Spot ezine, Thieves Jargon and BlazeVox. He regularly takes part in poetry readings in the North West.
Barry Basden lives in the Texas Hill Country with his wife and two yellow Labradors. He writes mostly short pieces these days. Some have been published in various online venues. Some have not. He is co-author of Crack! And Thump: With A Combat Infantry Officer In World War II and also edits the Camroc Press Review.
Brian Beamish was born in Devon in 1974. He graduated in Theology from the College of St Mark and St John, nr Plymouth. He currently lives in Swansea. Poems in all three Caparison anthologies.
Gary Beck has spent most of his adult life as a theater director, and as an art dealer when he couldn’t make a living in theater. He has 11 published chapbooks and 3 more accepted for publication. His poetry collections include: Days of Destruction (Skive Press), Expectations (Rogue Scholars Press). Dawn in Cities, Assault on Nature, Songs of a Clerk, Civilized Ways, Displays, Perceptions & Fault Lines, Tremors, Perturbations, Rude Awakenings and The Remission of Order (Winter Goose Publishing). Conditioned Response (Nazar Look). Resonance (Dreaming Big Publications). Virtual Living will be published by Thurston Howl Publications. His novels include: Extreme Change (Cogwheel Press), Flawed Connections (Black Rose Writing) and Call to Valor (Gnome on Pigs Productions). Sudden Conflicts (Lillicat Publishers). State of Rage (Rainy Day Reads Publishing). His short story collection, A Glimpse of Youth (Sweatshoppe Publications). Now I Accuse and other stories (Winter Goose Publishing). His original plays and translations of Moliere, Aristophanes and Sophocles have been produced Off Broadway. His poetry, fiction and essays have appeared in hundreds of literary magazines. He currently lives in New York City.
Larry Beckett was born in Glendale, California, in 1947. His poetry has been published in Zyzzyva, Field, Margie, Salamander, the anthology Portland Lights from Nine Lights Press, and his first book, Songs and Sonnets from Rainy Day Women Press, was favourably reviewed in the San Francisco Chronicle. Beat Poetry, a study of the San Francisco renaissance, was published by Beatdom Books. Paul Bunyan, a book-length poem, is out from Smokestack Books, and has received positive reviews in Zyzzyva and The Recusant. He performed the poem at the UK’s Ledbury Poetry Festival. Wyatt Earp, a novel in prose poetry, is forthcoming from Alternating Current Press. The complete U. S. Rivers was performed in a choral reading by a company of actors, and recorded. His work has been commended by Jack Hirschman, David Meltzer, Tom Clark, Ann Charters, David Young, and U.S. Poet Laureates W. S. Merwin and Charles Wright. Beckett lives in Portland, Oregon.
Tim Beech was born in Cannock, Staffordshire. He was educated at Flintshire College of Technology and Salford University where he gained a Ph.D. in physical chemistry. After a few years in academic research and teaching he became, for over twenty years, a shepherd and keeper of goats on a nature reserve near the Sussex coast. He has previously published a chapbook of poems, A Solitary Pine Tree In Sussex (Pighog Press, 2005).
Jane Bellis was born in Wrexham, North Wales, on 8th July 1980. She has lived in Barcelona, Lisbon and Liverpool over the past ten years teaching English as a Foreign Language. More recently, she has worked as a Youth Guidance Officer with unemployed teens. She won a competition with Capsica Publishing in their Mersey Minis Series about Liverpool. They published a short piece Bellis wrote in a volume called Longing last year. So was also published in an underground independent fanzine called Slacker, based in Liverpool.
Sandy Benitez was born in Selma, Alabama, on 8 Oct 1970. Her poetry has appeared in over 85 print and online poetry journals such as Contemporary American Poets, Falling Star Magazine, The Clearfield Review, Tipton Poetry Journal, The Orange Room Review, Elimae, Lily, and Loch Raven Review. Benitez currently resides in Wyoming with her husband, 2 children, and 2 chocolate labs. Her first book of poetry, Ever Violet, by D-N Publishing is available by contacting the author at
Stefanie Bennett, ex-blues singer & musician has published 17 books of poetry, a novel & a libretto - worked with Arts Action For Peace & been nominated for both Best of the Net & The Pushcart. A 'floating' poet of mixed ancestry [Irish/Italian/Paugussett-Shawnee] she was born in Queensland, Australia.
Mike Berger is a retired PhD psychologist from Oregon. He worked as a therapist for 30 years. He freelanced during those years.
Jerome Berglund is from Minneapolis, MN, USA. He has published senryu and haiku online and in print, in places including Asahi Shimbun, Failed Haiku, Bear Creek Haiku, Daily Haiga, Scarlet Dragonfly, Cold Moon Journal, and the Zen Space.
Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal was born in 1967 in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. He has lived in West Covina, California since 1975. He works in the mental health field in Los Angeles, CA. His chapbook, Still Human, was published in January 2009 by Kendra Steiner Editions.
David Betteridge (b. 1941) is the author of a collection of poems celebrating Glasgow’s radical traditions, Granny Albyn's Complaint (Smokestack Books, 2008). He is also the editor of a book celebrating the work-in at the UCS shipyards in 1971-2, A Rose Loupt Oot (2011). With the designer Tom Malone, he has produced a series of poetry pamphlets, published by Rhizome Press (2008-15). Most recent poetry chapbooks: Slave Songs and Symphonies (Culture Matters, 2016) and Flight and Fall: Remembering the Russian Revolution 100 Years On (2017).
Farid S. Bitar is a Palestinian-American poet and painter. Born in Jerusalem in 1961, he has lived in exile for forty years. His books include Treasury of Arabic Love, Footprints in the Mist and two CDs Fatoosh and Shutat. His poems are included in A Blade of Grass: New Palestinian Poetry (Smokestack, 2017). His most recent collection is Screaming Olives (Smokestack, 2021).
Mircea Boboc (born 18.08.1987 in Romania) is a Romanian poet and novelist, graphic artist and ambient music composer. He has published a chapbook of poems entitled The Semi-Lyrical Jukebox of Eccentric Poems and a fantasy novel called Elemental. He is also the author of the Graphic Exhibition Shadowed by Mountains.
Patrick Bolger is a writer and visual artist. His poetry gives voice to issues often silenced and marginalised in Irish society – including childhood sexual violence and the corrosive impact that childhood trauma, when met with silence at a familial, community and societal level, can have on both the individual and the collective. It explores themes of self-identity, addiction, mental health, masculinity, love and relationships. Born into a working-class family in rural County Wicklow, Patrick was the first in his family to attend college. Social justice and the role of privilege in creating class divisions and prejudices in society are also explored in his work.
Jan Bradley was born in the industrial Black Country of England on the side of a road due to her pure eagerness to live in the oxygenated world. She studied a fine art BSc followed by a postgraduate in specialist fine art printmaking and photography at the University of Brighton. Jan also studied environmental conservation, commercial horticulture, intensive crop production and environmental management skills, and sometime later, a postgraduate and MSc in Health Through Occupation. She now works as an Occupational Therapist at Mill View Psychiatric Hospital. Her MSc research paper, Exploring the Experiences of Writing Poetry, involved many writers from this site and others. She has been co-facilitating poetry and creative writing workshops with Alan Morrison within her work for Sussex Partnership NHS Trust over the last two years. She lives in Brighton. Debut poetry chapbook The Winding Keys (Creative Future, 2010, ed. and intr. Alan Morrison).
Peter Branson is a creative writing tutor. Until recently he was Writer-in-residence for "All Write" run by Stoke-on-Trent Library Services. He began writing poetry seriously about five years ago and has had work published by many mainstream poetry journals, including Acumen, Ambit, The Butcher's Dog, Envoi, The High Window, Iota, 14, Fire, The Interpreter's House, Poetry Nottingham, Poetry Salzburg Review, Red Ink and Other Poetry. Success in several competitions including a first prize in the Envoi International, a second place in The Writing Magazine Open, a highly-commended in The Petra Kenney, shortlisted for a recent Poetry Business Pamphlet and Collection competition and first prize winner in both the Sentinel Poetry Book Completion 2019/20 and the Littoral Poetry Book Competition 2020/21. Poetry collections: The Accidental Tourist (2008), Red Shift (Caparison Ebook, 2010), Red Hill: Selected Poems (Lapwing Publications, 2013), Hawk Rising (Lapwing, 2016), Marrowbones (SPM Publications), The Clear Daylight (Littoral Press, 2020).
Alan Britt was born on 3rd March 1950 in Norfolk, Virginia. His recent books are Vermilion (2006), Infinite Days (2003), Amnesia Tango (1998) and Bodies of Lightning (1995). The Poetry Library providing a free access digital library of 20th & 21st century English poetry magazines with the aim of preserving them for the future has included Britt’s work published in Fire (UK) in their project. Britt’s work also appears in the new anthology, Vapor transatlántico (Transatlantic Steamer), a bi-lingual anthology of Latin American and North American poets (Hofstra University Press/Fondo de Cultura Económica de Mexico/Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de Peru). Britt recently served as Panel Chair for Poetry Studies & Creative Poetry for the PCA/ACA Conference 2007 in Boston and read poetry at the WPA Gallery/Ward-Pound Ridge Reservation in Cross River, NY (2008). In April 2009, he delivered a presentation and poetry reading at Ramapo College in Mahwah, NJ . Britt currently teaches English/Creative Writing at Towson University and lives in Reisterstown, Maryland with his wife, daughter, two Bouviers des Flandres, one Bichon Frise and two formerly feral cats.
Iain Britton is an Aotearoa/New Zealand poet, born 7/6/45, Palmerston North. Since 2008, he’s had five collections of poems published, mainly in the UK. Recently, poems have been published or are forthcoming in the Harvard Review, Poetry, Stand, Agenda, The Reader, Clinic, The Literateur, The Black Market Re-View, The Fortnightly Review, Long Poem Magazine, Poetry Wales, M58, Hypnopomp, The Projectionist's Playground and the Journal of Poetics Research.
A collection of poetry The Intaglio Poems was published by Hesterglock Press (UK) 2017.
Adrian Brown has had a distinguished career as a director of television programmes and theatre productions. He was at one time the youngest director ever taken on by the Drama Department of BBC Television, where he was responsible for many plays and serials, favourites being the stylish The Noble Spaniard of Somerset Maugham, with Margaret Rutherford and Kenneth Williams and, much later, The Belle Of Amherst, a study of poet Emily Dickinson with the ideally-cast Claire Bloom. This production won the International EMMY Award in New York, one of Brown’s seven awards for direction, which also include a BAFTA Nomination. Subsequently, as Producer/Director for Thames Arts, a leading television arts series in the 80s and 90s, he produced programmes on the work of Ted Hughes, Adrian Mitchell, John Agard, Valerie Bloom, D. J. Enright, the dissident Czech poet Miroslav Holub and others, with the participation, at various times, of Derek Jacobi, Kenneth Branagh, Julia Mackenzie, Imelda Staunton, Ron Moody, and many more, filming in the U.S., France, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Austria and Yugoslavia, in addition to the UK. Brown has directed twelve of Shakespeare’s plays in the theatre, as well as many other period and modern works. He has been a member of the faculty for the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, the Webber-Douglas Academy, the Guildford School of Acting and the Birmingham School of Music. He has served on the council of the Directors’ Guild of Great Britain, of which he is now an emeritus member, and more recently as a Trustee of the Poetry Society. His poetry collections include Abominable Beasts, Guiding Principles, Conspicuous Display, Good Lord! (a quizzical reproach to an absent Almighty), Sahara, a magical nomadic trek, and Chac-Mool, an attack on globalisation which was a prizewinner at the Strokestown festival in Ireland. Sahara has been handsomely published by Hearing Eye Press, with other work appearing in magazines. An accomplished speaker, he has also performed work at the Poetry Society in Betterton Street, at the Arts Club in Dover Street, at the Battersea Arts Centre, the Torriano Meeting House, and the Poetry Shack, as well as readings in Germany, Italy, Mexico, Syria, Malta and Turkmenistan. His most recently published work, The Ram In The Thicket, a much-praised epic in sensuous blank verse, was premiered last December in Delhi, as part of the Indian Literary Festival.
Leon Brown was born in Dorset in 1973. After graduating from King’s College London in 1994, Brown taught English as a secondary school teacher and
as an English as a Foreign Language teacher in Portugal and Greece and later at Bristol University. He retrained as an Occupational Therapist. He is also
a qualified Cognitive Behavioural Therapist. Brown's poems have been published in Emergency Verse (Caparison, 2011), The Robin Hood Book (Caparison, 2012) and on Militant Thistles. He is currently writing his second novel, The Heart and Soul Army, a dystopian political thriller spanning the years 1970 to 2070. His interests are writing, literature, politics, psychology, film, music, walking and travel.
Michael D. Brown is Professor of English at Nanjing Agriculture University, China Award winning author of 16 books, numerous publishing credits, with six volumes of poetry: lectures internationally, provides literary reviews for University journals. Recipient of the New York State Senator, John De Francisco Award for Poetry. Born in Syracuse, New York. Christian minister and former Pastor of the Berean Bible Fellowship.
Michael H. Brownstein (7/17/1953, Chicago, Illinois) has been widely published throughout the small and literary presses. His work has appeared in The Café Review, American Letters and Commentary, Skidrow Penthouse, Xavier Review, Hotel Amerika, Free Lunch, Meridian Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, The Pacific Review, and others. In addition, he has nine poetry chapbooks including The Shooting Gallery (Samsidat Press, 1987), Poems from the Body Bag (Ommation Press, 1988), A Period of Trees (Snark Press, 2004), What Stone Is (Fractal Edge Press, 2005), I Was a Teacher Once (Ten Page Press, 2011), Firestorm: A Rendering of Torah (Camel Saloon Press, 2012), The Possibility of Sky and Hell: From My Suicide Book (White Knuckle Press, 2013) and The Katy Trail, Mid-Missouri, 100 Degrees Outside and Other Poems (Kind of Hurricane Press, 2013). He is the editor of First Poems from Viet Nam (2011).
Nick Burbridge is an Anglo-Irishpoet, playwright, novelist, documentary, short story and songwriter. His plays include Dirty Tricks (Soho Theatre Company), Vermin (Finborough), Cock Robin (Verity Bargate Award Runner-up/Brighton Festival), Scrap (South East Arts commission/Regional Tour), and double bills Neck/Cutting Room (Bright Red Theatre) and Acts Of Violence (Brighton Actors’ Theatre). For many years he ran his own fringe company, Tommy McDermott’s Theatre. BBC Radio Drama productions feature Grosse Fugue (Monday Play), Rites Of Passage (Afternoon Play), and several short stories. As a novelist, he had Operation Emerald (Pluto) published under the pseudonym Dominic McCartan. He collaborated with Captain Fred Holroyd on War Without Honour (Harrap/Medium), a non-fiction work launched at the House of Commons. His short stories have been printed in literary magazines, and Arts Council anthologies. He has written three collections of poetry: On Call (Envoi Poets), All Kinds Of Disorder, and The Unicycle Set (Waterloo Press). while poems have appeared in major periodicals, including Acumen, Agenda, Ambit, The Rialto, Stand etc. As a singer/songwriter, he has made seven albums with his band McDermott’s Two Hours - The Enemy Within, Live At Ferneham Hall, World Turned Upside Down, Claws And Wings, Disorder, Goodbye to the Madhouse, and Anticlockwise recorded in collaboration with The Levellers, who also covered his song 'Dirty Davey' on their eponymous number one-selling album, and who feature him on their live DVD, Chaos Theory. An acoustic album, Gathered, made with multi-instrumentalist, Tim Cotterell, won him the Spiral Earth Best Songwriter Award, 2013.
Christopher Capelluto was born on 22 February, 1989 in the suburbs of Long Island, New York, where he was also raised. After graduating from high school he moved to New York City to purs sted in the US army guard as an infantryman and has spent a year mobilized with the 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team Bravo Company Infantry in Iraq.
J.P. Celia was born in Ocala, Florida, USA in 1985. He has been published in Rattle magazine.
Ken Champion is an internationally published poet and writer, has two poetry pamphlets, African Time and Cameo Poly and a collection, But Black & White Is Better (2008), all published by Tall Lighthouse. His fiction has been published in both the U.S. and U.K., including novels The Politicos (2010) and Future Tense (2020), both by The Penniless Press. He hosts More Poetry at London’s Borough Market. He lectures in sociology and philosophy and lives in London.
S. Chandramohan (b.1986) is based in India. His poems reflect the socio-political struggles of the marginalized, the working class and the nomadic outcasts of the World who are victimized and then forgotten as nations clash and wage relentless war. His work has been profiled in New Asia Writing, Mascara Literary Review and About Place journal, Counter-Punch poetry, Thump Print magazine, The Sentinel, American Diversity Report, Poetry 24 online., Green Left Weekly and News Verse News.
Yuan Changming, nine-time Pushcart nominee and author of seven chapbooks, published monographs on translation before leaving China. With a Canadian PhD in English, Yuan currently edits Poetry Pacific in Vancouver; credits include Best of the Best Canadian Poetry (2008-17), Best New Poems Online, London Magazine, Threepenny Review and 1,349 others worldwide.
Keith Chopping is an actor, voiceover artist and therapist. After being in a political no man's land for many years he has recently returned to socialism. He had a poem included in the recent campaign anthology Emergency Verse - Poetry in Defence of the Welfare State (Caparison).
Debjani Chatterjee is a survivor-poet, a cancer survivor and patron of Survivors' Poetry. The author of more than fifty books for children and adults, her most recent poetry collection is Words Spit and Splinter (Redbeck Press). She was awarded an honorary doctorate by Sheffield Hallam University in 2002 and received an MBE in 2008 for her services to Literature.
Abigail Clark was born 7th May 1983 in Camberwell, London. Freshly graduated from Norwich School of Art and Design. She has lived in Cornwall surfing the waves and in Rouen rooting through antique markets. Her work has appeared in Norfolk Journal, Norwich Evening News and Now or Never. She has work coming out soon online in Gloom Cupboard and Ink Sweat and Tears ezines. Currently she works at two manual jobs and presents a weekly radio show on Future Radio 96.9fm.
William Leo Coakley has been published in the Paris Review, London Magazine, The Nation, Aquarius, Poetry Review (London), and other publications in America, England, Ireland, and Mexico. Since being selected for the Discovery series at the New York Poetry Center, he has read his poems often in public and on the television and radio. His poetry has won a Arvon Competition Prize, a W. B. Yeats Society Award, and the 2013 Der-Hovanessian Prize of the New England Poetry Club for a translation of a Constantine Cavafy poem. Born in Boston in 1937 but now also an Irish citizen, he is publisher of Helikon Press. He edited the first publication of Sean O'Casey's earliest extant play The Harvest Festival, a strike play about class struggle and militant union workers in 1913.
Ruben Connell was born in Leeds, Yorkshire in 1979. He is a new writer and in the past few months has had stories published (or accepted pending publication) in literary journals in the UK and the US. A first novel is due for completion someday soon. Poems in Litro and Menacing Hedge.
Richard J. N. Copeland has been writing intermittently for about thirty years. He has only recently, however, taken it up as a vocation, since which time he has had work published in a number of prestigious poetry publications, among them Awen, Black Mountain Review, Envoi, First Time, and Quantum Leap, and has taken part in a range of public performances. He is a Poetry Society Stanza rep for North Herts and is currently working on a weighty Sci-Fi novel. He was recently commissioned by the BBC and was filmed performing the commissioned work on BBC TV’s Look East. Poetry collection, This Is Not A Sonnet (Survivors' Press, 2008/09).
Alan Corkish is a writer from the UK. Originally from the Isle of Man he now lives in Liverpool where he writes novels, poetry and short stories, and co-edits the radical poetry journal erbacce. He is the author of Glimpses of Notes (2006), an autobiographical poem written in what the author calls "fragmented text"; Corrupted Memories, a poetry collection; and Groups (2006), a novel.
Lexie Cracknell was born in Leeds, Yorkshire on the 28 December 1990. She studies Philosophy at the University of Manchester. She has spent much of her adolescence hanging around the streets of Leeds which is where a lot of her inspiration comes from. She enjoys walking, reading and above all writing. She consider herself a bit of a romantic, but she thinks realistically she's a bit too down to earth in her personality for this to be fully the case. When not studying she enjoys painting, listening to music, going to gigs and a good philosophical session at the pub.
Rico Craig's 'Eviction' is an extract from a novel-in-progress. He was born in the 70s and lives in Sydney, Australia. This is his first published piece.
Bernadette Cremin has previously worked as a social worker, tea lady, sociology lecturer, TEFL teacher, bank clerk and waitress. This chequered and eclectic career path has invaluably enriched her true vocation of poet and performer. Cremin has gone on to win a Year of the Artist award, an Arts Council performance poetry bursary, and has been published widely in the UK and Eire. As well as solo commissions, she has collaborated with a music producer (State Art), a film-maker (Indifference Productions), a photographer (Project Poetry) and a geneticist (Promise or Threat, ACE). Stage work: Altered Egos (2010). Poetry collections: Perfect Mess (Biscuit Publishing, 2006), Speechless (Waterloo, 2007), Miming Silence (Waterloo, 2009), a poem from which was Highly Commended in the Forward Prize 2008, Loose Ends (Pighog, 20212), and Paper Cuts - New and Selected Poems (Salmon Poetry, 2015).
Chris Crittenden was born in 1963 and lives in Maine. As a graduate student in Philosophy, he published several papers on topics in applied ethics, focusing on the dangers of the US military-capitalist mindset. Despite his successes and quickly earning a Ph.D., no one would hire him, so he moved to a remote area and began to write the most evocative, passionate poetry he could. He eventually published hundreds of poems, including work in Chelsea, Atlanta Review, Drunken Boat, The Iconoclast, DMQ Review, and Offcourse. His backyard is a forest and he enjoys the lack of a single traffic light within a fifty mile radius. He blogs mordantly as Owl Who Laughs.
Andy Croft lives in Middlesbrough, where he has been active for many years in community writing projects. Writing Residencies include the Hartlepool Headland, the Great North Run, the Southwell Poetry Festival and HMP Holme House. His verse-play about the history of Middlesbrough, Smoke! was shown at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2004. His books include Red Letter Days, Out of the Old Earth, A Weapon in the Struggle, Selected Poems of Randall Swingler, Holme and Away, Comrade Heart. He has written three novels and and forty-two books for teenagers, mostly about football. His books of poetry include Letters to Randall Swingler (Shoestring Press, 2017), 1948: A Novel in Verse (Five Leaves Publications, 2012), Nowhere Special, Gaps Between Hills (with Mark Robinson), Headland, Just as Blue, Great North, Comrade Laughter (Flambard), Ghost Writer (Five Leaves, 2008), Sticky (Flambard, 2009), Three Men on the Metro (with W.N. Herbert and Paul Summers) and five anthologies, Red Sky at Night (edited with Adrian Mitchell), North by North East (edited with Cynthia Fuller), Not Just a Game (with Sue Dymoke), The Night Shift (edited with Michael Baron and Jenny Swann) and Speaking English: Poems for John Lucas. He has given many poetry readings, including in Potsdam, Sofia, Moscow, Novosibirsk and London's Poetry International. He is founding editor of Smokestack Books. He writes a regular poetry column for the Morning Star.
Elaine Cusack was born on Tyneside in 1970. Her teenage writing was praised and encouraged by Bloodaxe Books and her first pamphlet, Bed and Breakfast with Lydia Lunch was published in 1986 . Since then Elaine's poems have won numerous awards and appeared in various collections as well as on national TV and radio. Her latest book is illustrated poetic memoir, The Princess of Felling. Elaine lives in Whitley Bay and blogs at
Alessandro Cusimano was born in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, on July 2, 1967. He lives in Rome, where he is jewelry designer, writer, poet, translator. Son of a painter and a teacher, his life was marked, very young, by recurrent and painful bouts of depression. Nevertheless, this does not detract him from research and study of narrative techniques, his poetic style; with a special focus on visual arts, from painting to cinema, from photography to theatre, lived with deep introspection. Appeared recently, on the international literary stage, some of his writings are currently available on the US online library Black Cat Poems. Anarchist and visionary, painful and surreal, his works reflect on anxiety, crush conventions and illusions, proclaiming, with a barrage of words, that life is, by its nature, a scandal. An unconventional path, funny and desperate, populated by staring puppets and strange creatures whose life unfolds between sarcasm and resentful emotion. Poetry collection: Arabesques of a Nervous Wandering (Caparison, 2012).
Arjun Dahal is an undergrad student of Physics at Tri-Chandra Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. His passion lies in Physics, Mathematics, Music, Literature, and Philosophy. His Non-fiction has appeared in Blue Marble Review. His poetry has appeared/forthcoming in Burningword Literary Journal, Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, The Fable Online, Ann Arbor Review, and DWIT News.
Amir Darwish is a British/Syrian poet of Kurdish origin, living in Middlesbrough. He arrived in the UK late 2002 as an asylum seeker. Darwish completed a BA in history at Teesside University, England. Currently, he is a postgraduate student at Durham University, England, School of Government & International Affairs. His poetry published in the UK, USA, Pakistan, Finland, Morocco and Mexico. His work has been translated into Arabic, Finnish and Italian. Poetry collections: Don’t forget the Couscous (2015) and Dear Refugee (2019) are both published by Smokestack Books.
Tatjana Debeljacki was born 1967 in Užice. She writes poetry, short stories, stories and haiku. She is a Member of Association of Writers of Serbia -UKS since 2004. She is a member of the Haiku Society of Serbia- Deputy editor of Diogen. She also is the editor of the magazine Poeta. She has four books of poetry published.
Francis Devine was born in London, and is a retired Tutor, SIPTU College, Dublin. He has published Organising History: A Centenary of SIPTU, 1909-2009, and histories of the Communications Workers’ Union and the Medical Laboratory Scientists’ Association; was an editor of Saothar, Journal of the Irish Labour History Society; and, with Steve Byrne & Friends, issued the CD My Father Told Me in 2014 with a second CD, An Ownerless Corner of Earth, due later in 2019. His poetry collections are Red Star, Blue Moon (1997), May Dancer (2007) and Outside Left (2017). ‘Hup Gralton’ & ‘When Abdul Moneim Khalifa Met Darach Ó Catháin’ were first published in Red Star, Blue Moon (Elo Publications, Dublin, 1997), ‘The Steamship Hare’ was published in May Dancer (Watchword, Dublin, 2007).
Chris D'Errico was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA on February 11, 1970. He writes songs, poems and short prose, plays blues harmonica and works graveshift as an exterminator in fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada. He is the author of several poetry collections, and his writings have appeared in print journals and online magazines scattered throughout cyberspace. He shares a home with his wife, Tracy, and their two cats, Hank and Arlo. Sometimes he performs as a one-man-band with his harmonica-heavy, experimental funk/blues project Sidewalk Beggar.
José Hernández Díaz was born in Anaheim, CA (1984). He is currently working on his MFA in poetry at Antioch University Los Angeles. He earned his BA in English Literature from UC Berkeley. His work has appeared in The Best American Nonrequired Reading Anthology 2011, Bombay Gin, The Progressive, Kuikatl, Poetry Flash, 3:AM Magazine (UK), Tan lejos de dios (MEX), Merida Literary Magazine (MEX), The Delinquent (UK), El norte que viene (ESP), ditch poetry (CAN), Kerouac’s Dog (UK), Decanto (UK), Blood Lotus, Haight-Ashbury Literary Journal, Huizache, Counterexample Poetics, Generations, The Legendary, Revista Contratiempo, La Gente Newsmagazine, BlazeVOX12, Emerge Literary Journal, among others. He has edited five novels for Floricanto Press.
Jude Dillon is a poet in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He is a photojournalist, winner of many awards. He has been published in several magazines mostly in England and the United States. He has three as yet unpublished collections of poetry. He is a contributing editor at Gloom Cupboard an e-zine based in Europe.
Rani Drew is a poet and short fiction writer. She has published in North American, UK and Indian poetry and fiction magazines. She is also a playwright. She has written stage and radio plays, and produced them in the U.K, China, Hungary, Spain and Macedonia.
Olfa Drid is an English teacher, a PhD scholar and a committed poetess from Tunisia. Her passion is meditation at the ailments and aches of the human race and her utmost target of writing is not art for art’s sake but to trigger thoughts, question given- for-granted facts, shake the readers’ hearts and uplift their souls. Her poems appeared in print and online reviews such as The Poet Sanctuary (2009), The Voices (March 2014), The Sirens Call ezine (April 2014), Taj Mahal Review (June 2014), The Haiku Journal (June 2014) and S/tick Review (July 2014). Apart from the passion of poetry, she is an ex-international volleyball player and she is also gifted in design and interior decoration.
Stephen Philip Druce is a poet based in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK.
Peter Dudink was born in the Netherlands. He is about to publish The Mad Knight of Love and War, a book for young adults with POD Infinity Publishing. His work has appeared in Retort Magazine (Australia). In 2002 he published a selection from his MA thesis in the summer issue of New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship ('Harry Potter Anti-Hero: From Mis-Education to Conflict Mismanagement'). Dudink lives in Ontario, Canada. This is his first published poem.
Alan Dunnett was born in London in 1953. He read English at Oxford before going to drama school. After some years as a freelance theatre director, he became Acting Tutor at Central School of Speech & Drama and then Head of Postgraduate Studies at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama. He is now Course Director, MA Screen, Drama Centre London, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. His poetry has appeared in magazines and anthologies, including Poetry Salzburg Review, Stand, Orbis, The Rialto, The Interpreter's House, Other Poetry, Outposts, Weyfarers, Poetry Nottingham, Pennine Platform, Dream Catcher, The Reader, Poetry News, New Poetry 6 (edited by Ted Hughes), The Methuen Book of Theatre Verse. Poetry collections: Hurt Under Your Arm (Envoi), a pamphlet, In the Savage Gap, and A Third Colour (Culture Matters, 2018). In 1989, he received an East Midlands Arts Writer's Bursary and was then part of EMA's 1990 New Voices Tour. Several competition short-listings, prize-winning at Torbay (2008), Middlesex (2004), Stroud and Kent & Sussex among others. Readings at Nottingham, Derby and Bradford Playhouses, Leicester Haymarket, The Troubadour, The Poetry Cafe and on Radio Nottingham and Radio Derby.
Catrin Edwards Jones was born in Caerphilly, Glamorgan on 19 August 1928. She studied Portraiture at the Brighton College of Art and later furthered her training there in Textile Art. Before opening a Cornish Studio in St Ives she founded the Sussex Quilters on whom a television programme was made to explain their unique methods. At this time Edwards Jones was also teaching Textile Art at Truro College and the St. Ives School of Painting. She went on to set up another quilting group, the St. Ives Quilters - prior to returning to Brighton in the 90s in order to be near her family. Since her return to Brighton her art has become very diverse - sculptured portraits in terracotta and various interpretations of the Sussex coast including Brighton Marina - in oils, watercolours, textile art and stained glass. Most recently she has been producing hand-painted lampshades for which she also also takes commissions. Her work has been seen and commissioned at the Chelsea Craft Fair, Liberty & Co and Harvey Nichols with exhibitions at London's Foyles and in the USA. Her website is at
EGJ was born just outside Malmö, Sweden on 11 November 1981. She writes somewhere in between poetry and prose. Currently a full-time MLitt student in Creative Writing at the University of Glasgow, EGJ also has a Master of Letters in The Gothic Imagination from the University of Stirling. Texts have appeared in Ponton, Serum, Bard, The Turnip and From Glasgow to Saturn. She lives, now and then, around Stirlingshire, Scotland.
Justin Ehrlich was born in Essex in 1985. He holds Honours in Philosophy but soon discovered that he enjoyed the style of Nietzsche’s writing more than the subject itself. Employment has been checkered, he is working as a volunteer literacy teacher to substance misusers until the Government force him to give it up for the sake of something more useful, like selling office equipment. A keen admirer of the Symbolist movement and its ramifications, he writes poetry and short fiction with similar principles in mind.
Neil Ellman was born in Brooklyn, New York, on August 2, 1942. Twice nominated for Best of the Net, as well as for the Rhysling Award from the Science Fiction Poetry Association, Neil Ellman lives and writes in New Jersey. He has published more than 750 poems, many of which are ekphrastic and written in response to works of modern and contemporary art, in print and online journals, anthologies and chapbooks throughout the world. His first full-length collection, Parallels, includes more than 200 of his previously published poems.
Caroline England has had some writing published in Transmission, Parameter, Pipeline, Chimera, Lamport Court, Peace and Freedom Press, nr1, Succour, Pen Pusher, Positive Words, Twisted Tongue, The Text, White Chimney and The Ugly Tree.
Roger Ettenfield born in 1961 in Skipton, North Yorkshire. Lived and worked throughout the UK and the world, in various, random jobs, before settling on a career in English teaching, inevitably. Currently residing in Panama. First published on The Recusant, in 2019.
György Faludy (1910-2006), a towering figure of European literature, spent much of his life in political prison or exile. More of this poetry appears in Survivors: Hungarian Jewish Poets of the Holocaust translated & edited by Thomas Ország-Land (Smokestack Books, England, 2014).
Colleen M. Farrelly, currently a data scientist, is a freelance writer and editor in Miami, FL, whose works have recently appeared in Four and Twenty, Lake City Lights, Step Away, Vine Leaves, and PostPoetry. She was born August 8, 1985, and has been a bit of a nomad over the years. She enjoys the outdoors, volunteering with Veterans' nonprofits, and the poetry of Wilfred Owen.
Neil Fawcett was born in Stockport in 1962. His poetry moves freely between the political to the personal. Neil spent many years as a teacher and now spends his time writing in a damp shed, looking after his family or wandering aimlessly around Greece. His recent work is influenced by the great Greek communist poet Yiannis Ritsos, and he's working on a collection that reflects this influence. Fawcett has been widely published in magazines, online and in poetry anthologies. He has also been well placed and won a number of poetry competitions.
M.V. Feehan’s work has appeared in a number of Canadian and American journals: The Fiddlehead, Contemporary Verse II, Rosebud, Potpourri, the Ezine,, and in the book, Echoes Of Elizabeth Bishop (comprised of those awarded in that competition—the poet’s 100th birthday). She worked for the journal, Room, for five years and in the last year became editor. She was the recipient of the Hedy Zimra Scholarship for Long Fiction from the Frequency Writing Program of RI. She lives with her husband and son—dividing their time between the city of Providence and Cape Breton Island.
Jim Ferguson is a poet and prose writer based in Glasgow. Born in 1961, Jim has been writing and publishing since 1986 and is presently a Creative Writing Tutor at John Wheatley College in Glasgow's East End. His collection the art of catching a bus and other poems is published by AK Press, Edinburgh. He has a website
Chris Firth was born in a back-to-back, Girlington, Bradford, 1962, one of seven kids. Grew up in Bradford — a delinquent, gang-member teenager until discovered White Cloud King Fu at 15, which set him on the better path. English Degree via Sheffield Poly where Barry Hines was his creative writing tutor. Fiction publications include Miasma and Unexpected Pond (Route 1998, 2000), Electraglade Tales (Skrev Press 2003) Branwell Bronte's Barber's Tale (East Coast Books, 2005). For the last few years Firth worked solely on poetry, working with Shutter Books, producing poetry to accompany photographs in a three book series Whitby One Nine Nine, North Yorkshire One Nine Nine (Yorkshire Book of the Year 2007) and Teesway One Nine Nine. Currently working on a book of more personal and spiritual poetry, Sama Song from which these poems are taken. Some of the Sama Song poems were shortlisted in the 2008 UK Muslim Writers' Awards. Also playing double bass in the Arabic/Egyptian folk band Salam-UK Band while living with Deborah and son Jacob, and teaching English, in Whitby, North Yorkshire, UK. Websites:;
R.G. Foster was born in Sunderland on the 28th October in 1993, and has lived in a smattering of places since. He has had work published in various journals, — Alliterati, Red Fez, Inclement, among others. He has done very little else in his short existence other than write poetry.
James Fountain was born in Hartlepool in 1979. He was educated at Universities of Glasgow, Leeds and LMU Munich, and wrote the first ever PhD on poet Joseph Macleod, which passed in 2010. His memoir Out of Time (Book Guild Publishing) was published in 2006, and he has had two poetry pamphlets accepted for publication, Glaciation (Poetry Monthly Press, 2010) and The Last Stop (original plus press, 2018). Some of his poems have appeared in Acumen, The Journal, Dream Catcher, The Glasgow Review, The Recusant and London Grip. His latest pamphlet The Last Stop was adjudged runner-up by Imtiaz Dharker at the Ilkley Literature Festival Chapbook Competition, 2018. He was long-listed for the Erbacce Prize 2021 from 13,000 entrants. Fountain edited and introduced two of the books from A Drinan Trilogy, a trilogy of three books of poetry by Joseph Macleod with Andrew Duncan (Waterloo Press, 2012). His latest book, Hidden Sun: The Poetry of Joseph Macleod will be published in Spring 2022 by Waterloo Press and is the first book of literary criticism on neglected British poet Joseph Macleod (1903-84), who was close friends with Graham Greene, Adrian Stokes and Aldous Huxley.
Naomi Foyle is the author of three poetry collections: The Night Pavilion, a Autumn 2008 Poetry Book Society Recommendation and The World Cup (2010) both from Waterloo Press, and Adamantine (Red Hen/Pighog Press, US/UK, 2019). She has also published several pamphlets, including Red Hot & Bothered (Lansdowne Press, 2003), winner of the 2008 Apples and Snakes ‘The Book Bites Back’ Competition, Grace of the Gamblers: A Chantilly Chantey (Waterloo, 2010), No Enemy but Time (Waterloo, 2017) and Importents (Waterloo, 2021). As an editor for Waterloo Press, Survivors' Poetry (London) and Lagan Press (Belfast), Naomi Foyle has edited twenty full-length poetry collections, including The Privilege of Rain by David Swann (Waterloo Press, 2010), shortlisted for the 2011 Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry, Tantie Diablesse by Fawzia Muradali Kane, shortlisted for the OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature and Blue Wallpaper by Robert Hamberger, shortlisted for the 2020 Polari Prize. She is also the editor of the bilingual anthology
A Blade of Grass: New Palestinian Poetry (Smokestack Books, 2017).
David Francis is a singer-songwriter based in New York. In 2007 David released Poems, a CD of poems with music. Poems in Pennine Platform and Lucid Rhythms, and an article on the difference between song lyrics and poems in BigCityLit. CD Anthem for Green England by David Francis & the Global Village ( is available at Monochrome Museum.
Simon Freedman was born in 1978 in Malta. He moved to the UK to study for a BA in Philosophy and has lived here ever since. Poetic influences are various and eclectic, however key ones include Elaine Feinstein, WH Auden, Philip Larkin, Stephen Spender. His poetry has been published in The Beat. Website:
Owen Gallagher was born in 1949. He is from Gorbals, Glasgow, and lives in London. His poetry collections include: Sat Guru Snowman (Peterloo Poets, 2001; reprinted 2004), A Good Enough Love (Salmon Poetry, Ireland, June 2015), Tea With the Taliban (Smokestack Books, 2012). He has published an illustrated children's book, The Sikh Snowman (Culture Matters, 2020). Gallagher has awards from The London Arts Board and The Society of Authors. His poems have been published widely in Britain and Ireland: The Independent, Time Out, PN Review, Poetry Ireland Review, Rialto, The SHop, Poetry Wales, London Magazine, New Welsh Review, Poetry London, The North. He has won poetry competitions and his poems have been displayed on London buses.
Alex Galper was born in Kiev, Ukraine in 1971. He has been writing poems and short stories since he could remember. Immigrating to America at the age of 19 did not change it; to the contrary, majoring in Creative Writing at Brooklyn College and being mostly influenced by American poets created a fusion of Russian pessimism, Jewish humour and Western literary traditions and philosophy. Translations of his poems appeared in over 30 magazines in the USA and the UK. In his homeland, he is considered a cult underground poet whereas mainstream Russian literary magazines ignore him for lack of respect for rhymes, heavy erotic imagery, and being "too American".
Jeremy Valentine Freeman Ganem (14/9/1972) hails originally from Kansas and is presently completing his doctorate in fin-de-siècle poetics and aesthetics at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, where he resides. He is assistant editor of RaVoN (Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net), his poetry has appeared in Boston Review and Van Gogh’s Ear, and his critical work has appeared in a variety of academic journals. In addition to a series of lyric works based on the interaction between aesthetics and ideology he is working on a long poem that re-works and deconstructs the Orpheus myth and an experimental post-pop novel centred in Kansas City at the millennium entitled The Golden Apocalypse of Yves Antichrist. He devotes his days to reading ornate books, living in dead centuries, looking at obscure art and walking in Montreal.
Michael George Gibson was born and raised in Sussex. He was brought up both in a Sussex country parish and The Community of Saint Hilda, founded by his father in South London in the 1930s. His secondary education was at the Durham School, where he was a King’s Scholar. He took a General Batchelor of Arts Degree of the London University in English Literature, Psychology and Aesthetics. After a few years teaching in Colleges of Further Education - mainly in Wormwood Scrubs Prison — he became a gardener and landscape gardener. His particular interest and speciality is in the rhythmical nature of English poetry. Website:
Sarah Gonnet was born in Derby in 1993. She has been experimenting with various forms of writing over the last few years. Recently she has been writing a lot of arts-orientated journalism for The Guardian, The Journal, Luna Luna, Sabotage Reviews, Screenjabber, PANK, and essays on female artists for The Bubble. Her poetry has been published in PUSH, Jotter’s United and The Cadaverdine. Under the pseudonym Azra Page, she has published two collections of autobiographical pieces: Catharsis and Dull Eyes and Scarred Faces. Carolyn Jess Cooke published several of her poems for her blog “On Depression”. IRONPress working with Red Squirrel Press have published one of her short stories, 'Impulse', in their collection Short not Sweet. Sarah read from this story at the Books on Tyne Festival. She also writes plays which are going through the development process of being performed at scratch nights. Poetry chapbook: Voices (Survivors' Poetry), which takes on one of the characters in her head — Azra.
Joseph Goosey was born on 23rd September 1986 in Cincinnati, USA. He has one chapbook available through Poptritus Press entitled A Comfortable Place With Regular Sunshine and and another, Wet And Dripping (Shadow Archer Press). Other poems of his can be seen in Thieves Jargon, Exquisite Corpse and SLAB.
Catherine Graham lives in Newcastle upon Tyne. She is a Northern Voices Poetry Award winner. Catherine has read at numerous poetry events including the Durham Literature Festival, Northern Stage, the Liverpool International Weekend of Poetry (with Jim Bennett, The Poetry Kit) and a number of Amnesty International Poetry benefits. Her chapbook Signs (ID on Tyne Press) was one of The Poetry Kit's top five recommended books for 2011. Catherine's first full collection Things I Will Put In My Mother's Pocket is published by Indigo Dreams Publishing.
Paul A Green’s radio plays have been broadcast on BBC Radio 3, CBC Canada, RTE Ireland and Resonance FM. His play Babalon, about Crowleyite rocket scientist Jack Parsons was performed by Travesty Theatre; and his novel The Qliphoth was published by Libros while short audio pieces and articles on Burroughs, Sinclair and others can be found on-line, notably at Shadowing The City forms part of a short story sequence Radial City. A related story Radial Citizens was recently published in Issue 5 of Brand Magazine. These texts are part of the Radial City multi-media project being developed in collaboration with digital artist Jeremy Welsh and the Bureau of Unstable Urbanism. A Beginner’s Guide To Radial City, a video compilation of shorter texts and graphics, is in preparation and will be screened at the Hay Poetry Jam in June 2010. Green lives in Hereford.
David Groulx was raised in the Northern Ontario mining community of Elliot Lake. He is proud of his Native roots – his mother is Ojibwe Indian and his father French Canadian. David’s poetry has appeared in over a 100 publications in England, Australia, Germany, Austria and the USA. He lives in a log home near Ottawa, Canada.
Simon Haines was born in May 1946, Northwich, Cheshire. He has written poetry since the age of 7 when he won second prize in a national poetry competition for writing an extra verse to ‘Old Mother Hubbard’. He wrote sporadically during his career as a language teacher, but in addition to teaching, he was also writing ESOL textbooks and articles for music magazines. Covid lockdowns gave him more time and more subjects to write about and he spends a lot of his time now writing articles and poems. In his spare time he is in a number of folk music bands playing for dancing as well as in a group which composes and plays music to accompany poetry, currently with the poet Blake Morrison.
Ben Hall was born in Kingston-upon-Thames in 1972 but spent much of his childhood in Hong Kong, where his architect father designed vast public housing projects and his mother worked as a nurse in a transit camp for Vietnamese refugees. After returning to England he studied Archaeology at the University of York. This left him without a single marketable skill and almost unemployable for the next ten years. In this period he wrote desultory articles for Bristol's Venue magazine, one of which was printed. He has since followed in his mother's footsteps and retrained as a nurse. He currently works in an intensive care unit in West Sussex. Website:
Chris Hall was born in Carlisle in 1985. He is a theatre maker based in Glasgow, and currently a visiting lecturer at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow. These are his first published poems.
Carole Hamilton was born in Motherwell, lives and works in central Scotland. She teaches drama part time and in the remainder of the week she writes mainly stories about her observations. Her work features in various anthologies and journals. In 2005 she graduated from Glasgow University's Masters in Creative Writing, and was awarded a New Writers Bursary from the Scottish Arts Council to write a series of stories about marginalised women. 'Budding', her prizewinning entry in the Scotsman Orange Short Story Award, appeared in the collection entitled Work (Polygon, 2006); 'The Hardest Winter' was winner of the Dunbartonshire novella competition 2007 — both are set on a Scottish cattle farm. 'Dissy', 'No Excuse', and 'Let Me Take You Down' are published in the anthologies Stramash (University of Glasgow, 2004) and Snacks After Swimming (Freight, 2006).
Nels Hanson grew up on a small farm in the San Joaquin Valley of California and has worked as a farmer, teacher and contract writer/editor. His fiction received the San Francisco Foundation’s James D. Phelan Award and Pushcart nominations in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016. His poems received a 2014 Pushcart nomination, Sharkpack Review’s 2014 Prospero Prize, and 2015 and 2016 Best of the Net nominations.
Graham Hardie poetry has been published in Markings, The New Writer (twice), Weyfarers, The David Jones Journal, Cutting Teeth, Nomad, The Coffee House, Cake and online at Nth Position. His first collection was published in 2007 by Ettrick Forest Press ( Hardie is the editor of the online journals Osprey ( and The Glasgow Review (, The Caledonia Review (, Eleutheria — Scottish Poetry Review, and is a founder of Literature Scotland (
Bruce Harris was born in Kent in 1949, but was brought up mostly in the north-east of England. He started writing creatively in 2004 after a career in teaching and educational research, including extensive research-based publications. Since then, he has been consistently successful in short fiction and poetry competitions, and extensively published in print and e-zines. He is author of several short story collections, First Flame (2013), Odds Against (2017)
and The Guy Thing (2018), and poetry collections, Raised Voices (2014), Kaleidoscope (2017) and The Huntington Hydra (Caparison, 2019). For personal reasons, he is donating the takings from his published books to the Huntington’s Disease Association. Website:
Jan Harris was born in 1956 in Farnsfield, a small village in North Nottinghamshire. She combines her role as a carer with working from home as a freelance writer/editor. Her work has appeared in Mslexia, Flashquake, Nth Position and Popshot. Her poem ‘In Afghanistan ’ appeared in Cool and Quirky, an anthology of poems from the 2008 Faringdon Online Poetry Competition. She had a short story published in Byker Books' Radgepacket anthology.
Marc Harris was born in 1962 in Cardiff. He spent thirty years living in England, but returned to Cardiff in 2000. He has had poems published in many literary magazines including Agenda, Poetry Ireland Review, The Stinging Fly, The New Welsh Review, Envoi, Confrontation (New York). He recently read his poem 'Tony Blair's Schooldays' at The Wales Millenium Centre In Cardiff. He works with homeless people in the city of his birth.
Mia Hart-Allison is from Middlesbrough but now lives in London. Her collection of poetry and fiction, Sacred Blue, was published in 2008 by Visionary Tongue Press, for whom she also reviews. Formerly, she was a reviewer for Poetry Express (Survivors' Poetry) under Alan Morrison's editorship. She has published poetry, prose and illustrations in various small press magazines and webzines.
Robert Hartness was born in Jarrow in 1936. He was brought up in East Jarrow, opposite Jarrow Slacks. He attended St. Aidan’s Gr. School Sunderland for seven years. Graduated from King’s College, Durham University as Master of Science by thesis and research. After a spell in Commerce with Shell in London he started a teaching career in the North of England and subsequently undertook further research and received a Master of Education, from Newcastle University. He has been involved all his life in humanitarian work. He is an active interest in music and his recent poetic output seems to run contrary to his training as a scientist.
Kevin Heaton was born on July 30, 1953 in Council Grove, Kansas. He currently lives in South Carolina. In another life he published Country Music in Oklahoma. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in: Foliate Oak, Elimae, WestWard Quarterly, Grey Sparrow Journal, Sacred Journey, Counterexample Poetics, Hanging Moss Journal, Full of Crow, and others.
Dah Helmer (born April 7th, 1950 in Herkimer, New York, Dah) is an internationally published poet and the author of three collections of poetry from Stillpoint Books, Dah’s poetry recently appeared in The Sandy River Review, Stone Voices Magazine, Diverse Voices Quarterly, Orion headless, River & South Review, Jellyfish Whispers, Perfume River Review, Miracle Magazine, Eunoia Review (China), Digital Papercut, KNOT Magazine, and The Muse (India), and is forthcoming in Lost Coast Review, Literature Today (India), Poetry Pacific (Canada), Zygote in my Coffee, Red Wolf Journal, Deep Tissue Magazine, Dead Snakes Journal, Rose Red Review, Napalm and Novocain, Empty Sink Publishing, Acumen Journal (U.K.), The Cape Rock, The Open Mouse (U.K.), The Fillid Anthology, and Switch (the difference) Anthology. Dah lives in Berkeley, California where he is working on the manuscript for his fourth poetry book. Visit:
Amanda Hempel was born in Stockholm, Sweden, and grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I currently live and work for a closed-captioning company. During 2011, my poetry will be appearing in, amongst other places, The Literary Review, Arsenic Lobster Poetry Journal, Red River Review, The Mochila Review, The Briar Cliff Review, and Quiddity. She received my MFA Creative Writing at Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Geoffrey Hepstonstall is a playwright, monologist, poet and critic. A regular poetry reviewer for The London Magazine, and a contributing writer to the Contemporary Review. A number of short stories recently published, and about fifty poems in the last three or four years. He is a writer of fiction (recently for Cerise Press, Gold Dust, Litro, Open Wide and Sunk Island Review). Poetry collections: Selected Poems (Poetry Kit, 2012), The Rites of Paradise and Sappho's Moon (both Cyberwit, 2020). Essayist/reviewer for The Bow Wow Shop, Cerise Press, Contemporary Review, Gold Dust, The London Magazine, New Walk Magazine, PN Review, Prole, The Recusant, The Tablet, the TLS and The Write Place at the Write Time. Extensive broadcasting experience, including critically-appraised features for BBC Radios 3 and 4, and, most recently, 105fm. Extensive lecturing and workshop experience for Anglia Ruskin Uni and Bath Spa Uni, Cambridge Festival, Cambridge Poetry Cafe, Long Road Sixth, the Open College and the WEA. He has performed in many venues, including a small tent at Glastonbury, but most regularly at Cambridge Poetry Café.
Clare Hill was born in the West Midlands on 29th August 1978. She has written articles for Arts Disability Culture Magazine, Twisted Tongue, Multicultural and various websites and has written short stories for The Second BHF Book of Horror Stories, Twisted Tongue, Gold Dust, Writelink resources, and others. She has had poetry published in Raw Edge, Twisted Tongue, Delivered and Trespass. Two mental health books, both published by Chipmunka Publishing — including Living Without Marbles. Hill participated in the Equal 2 New Writers' Development Programme in Birmingham, and has performed poetry at the Oasis Cafe Theatre, Borders bookshop, the Library Theatre, and in the middle of Birmingham town centre.
Antony Hitchin is a sometimes heretical purveyor of poetry and prose. Poetry is one of his more respectable vices and he has been published in numerous small press and independent journals including 3AM, Zygote in my Coffee, Underground Voices, Ditch and Guild of Outsider Writers. He is interested in violating both poetic and social conventional 'norms' and is currently working on chapbooks of cut-up poetry and his first full-length poetry collection. Antony is particularly passionate about trying to transcend dualities and binaries in his work. You can catch newly updated experiments at: and
Nigel Holt was born in 1964 in Wolverhampton. He is a British expatriate poet who has lived and worked in the United Arab Emirates for the past twelve years. He has been published in a number of online and print venues, the most recent being Snakeskin and The Raintown Review. He is the co-editor with the Australian poet, Paul Stevens, of The Shit Creek Review. He also writes far more villanelles than is healthy.
John Horder (1936-2017) published poetry and journalism since the early Sixties, his most famous collection, A Sense of Being (the celebrated title poem from which has been read by Julian Glover on BBC 2 and published in the prestigious Poem for the Day Two anthology, ed. Andrew Motion), was published by Chatto & Windus/Hogarth Press in 1969. Other collections: A Child Walks Around His Own Grave (1966) and Meher Baba and the Nothingness (1981). Horder contributed many articles, reviews and obituaries to The Guardian throughout the years. A lifelong friend of Stevie Smith, he edited Greville Press’s pamphlet Stevie for the 2002 Survivors’ Poetry Stevie Smith event.
Phil Howard was born in Wallasey 1948 and now lives near Preston, Lancashire. He has been employed in the public sector for most of his working life and is committed to the principle of public service and the ideal of a fairer, more egalitarian and just world order. He would like to see poetry restored as an art form which tackles relevant, compelling subject matter and which can be appreciated by all through forms of verse which are accessible and — more or less rhythmical.
A.J. Huffman is a poet and freelance writer in Daytona Beach, Florida. She has previously published four collections of poetry: The Difference Between Shadows and Stars, Carrying Yesterday, Cognitive Distortion, and . . . And Other Such Nonsense. She has also published her work in national and international literary journals such as Avon Literary Intelligencer, Writer's Gazette, and The Penwood Review.
Ilhem Issaoui b. 30th December 1992 is a Tunisian translator and poetry and short stories writer. Some of her poems and short stories have appeared both online and in print in magazines including Three Line Poetry, Salis Online Magazine, Mind Magazine, Mad Swirl Magazine, Jaffatelaqlam, Danse Macabre, About Place Journal. She is also the author of a collection of poems entitled Fragments of a Wounded Soul. She is an academic researcher in the field of Suicidology at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Sousse and a member of Psycho-Trauma Tunisie, the first North African Association in the field of Trauma.
Martin Jack has been published by Sentinel Poetry and in First Time, Great Works, Penumbra, Breakfast All Day, Poetry Monthly, by the Knoxville Guild of Writers in their Anthology of Journeys, and by Waterloo Press in Eratica as well as in an introductory sampler of his work in 2004: Waterloo Samplers No. 5.
Kathryn Jacobs is a medievalist-turned-poet with a chapbook called Advice Column out at Finishing Line Press (2008). She is a professor at Texas A & M – C. She has published over a hundred poems in the last three years, in journals such as The Formalist, Measure, Acumen, Decanto, Mezzo Cammin, Washington Literary Journal, 14 by 14, Barefoot Muse, Slant, Poetry Midwest, Wordgathering etc. Until 2005 she wrote poetry sporadically, in between “proper” activities like scholarship. In November of that year, however, she lost her son Raymond who was only eighteen. That converted her: 'poetry makes life meaningful'.
Colin James was born near Chester, England on the border of Wales in 1950. He now resides in Massachusetts with his wife Jane and son, Liam. Some of his poems have appeared in Tsunami, Exit 13, Pica, Blazevox, Shades of December, Lunatic Chameleon, Cenacle and others. He has a chapbook from Writing Knights Press, Dreams of the Really Annoying and another chapbook A Thoroughness Not Deprived of Absurdity from Pskis Porch
Tom Jayston was born on 24th October 1971 in Chertsey. He grew up in Horsell and then Leigh. He’s been writing since he realised he was able to. His influences include Kay Sneddon, Steve Fisher, Anne Rouse, Adrienne Rich, Charles Simic and too many others. Some of his poems have previously appeared in the Creative Future anthology amazement. His first collection, Reverdie and Rude Awakenings, has just been published by Creative Future
Paul Jeffcutt grew up in rural Gloucestershire, and was the first member of his extended family to remain at school beyond the age of 16. He always wrote poems in his spare time, but never showed them to anyone. Eventually, he plucked up the courage to enter a competition. He’s now won thirty-three awards for poetry in competitions in Ireland, the UK and the USA. He has two full collections of poetry: The Skylark’s Call (Dempsey & Windle, 2020) and Latch (Lagan Press, 2010). And his poems have been widely published in literary journals and anthologies. Paul has been living in Northern Ireland for the past 25 years.
Spencer Jeffery was born in New Zealand in 1976. He lived in Brighton, UK, for several years, during which time he wrote and recorded songs with a local band. He has been writing poems and songs since his early twenties. His first poetry/lyric collection, Lost Lyrics of the Lowlands, was published in 2006.
The poem published here originally appeared in Poetry Express magazine.
Kevin N. Jelf is a 50 year old graphic artist who has lived and worked all his life in Birmingham. For Kevin, writing poetry is something of a compulsion. His subject matter ranges from the personal to the topical. He has previously been published in The Cannon's Mouth Quarterly and Here Comes Everyone. His work has also been seen on The Open Mouse.
Mike Jenkins b. 1953 is the editor of Red Poets, former editor of Poetry Wales, and a Fellow of the Welsh writing Academi. He has won numerous prizes and awards including Welsh Book of the Year 1998 for his book of short stories Wanting to Belong, an Eric Gregory and Welsh Arts Council awards. Many poetry collections including: Red Landscapes: New and Selected Poems (Seren, 1999), Coulda Bin Summin (Planet, 2001), Laughter Tangled in Thorn and Other Poems (Corgi Series: 3) (Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, 2002), The Language of Flight (Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, 2004), Moor Music (Seren, 2011), Barkin! (Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, 2013) (Poems & stories in Merthyr dialect), Sofa Surfin (Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, 2017), From Aberfan t Grenfell (with Alan Perry) (Culture Matters, 2019), Anonymous Bosch (with Dave Lewis) (Culture Matters, 2021). He lives in Merthyr Tydfil.
Simon Jenner was born in Cuckfield in 1959. Educated at Leeds, then Cambridge. Recipient of a South-East Arts Bursary, and a Royal Literary Fund grant, he has also received a commission from BBC Southern Counties Radio. Jenner writes for Poetry Review, PNR, Tears in the Fence, The Tablet, Music on the Web and British Music Society. Jenner is co-founder and Chief Editor of Waterloo Press. Since 2003 he has been the Director of Survivors’ Poetry. He was a Royal Literary Fund Fellow for Chichester University and the University of East London. Poetry collections: Waterloo Sampler No 1 (Waterloo Press, 2004), About Bloody Time (Waterloo, 2007), Wrong Evenings (Waterloo, 2011), Two For Joy (Waterloo, 2013), and two pamphlets, Pessoa—A Vision (Perdika Press, 2009) and Winstanley (Waterloo, 2021).
Denis Joe was born in Cork, Eire on 6th January 1958. He has been published in a few journals over the years but most recently in Content, a journal of creative writing based at The Spider Project in Liverpool; also in 10X3Plus, an American poetry journal. He also has four poems in the up-and-coming North End Writers Group journal which is out in January. He edits the alcohol/drug addiction recovery magazine in Liverpool, Recovery Rising. Joe is active on the poetry scene in Liverpool and is a member of the North Liverpool Writers Group, which is facilitated by the great Pauline Rowe (who has also been featured in The Recusant).
Antony Johae (b. Chiswick, 1937) taught literature in Africa and the Middle East for thirty years. He is now writing freelance and divides his time between Lebanon and the UK. Poetry collection: Poems of the East (Gipping Press, 2015).
Michael Lee Johnson is a poet and freelance writer from Itasca, Illinois. His brand new poetry chapbook with pictures, From Which Place the Morning Rises, and his new photo version of The Lost American: From Exile to Freedom are now available. The original version of The Lost American: from Exile to Freedom is still available. He has been published in over 22 countries. The author is also editor/publisher of four poetry sites, all open for submission via his website Poetry Man.
Fred Johnston comes from a family (North) of trade unionists and one of them a budding Communist, (he ran for the old Stormont as ‘Labour’ and holidayed every year on the Black Sea). His father suffered for his shop-steward activity. Fred’s family on his mother’s side (South) didn’t do much of anything and nothing at all political. He was ‘blacked’ in Dublin for unionising the public relations industry in the early Seventies — as his father warned him that he would be.
Helen Jones was born in Chester and gained degrees from UCL and Liverpool many years ago. She is now happily retired and divides her time between writing, learning Spanish and making a new garden. Poems previously in the Amethyst Review and Poetica.
Nicky Jones was born in Oxford , England on 6.1.1947. She taught in Secondary education for ten years before leaving the profession to bring up her two children. She trained as an Integrative Counsellor in 1997, and worked in Primary Care until recently. Her poetry has been published in a variety of magazines and in the poetry anthology The New Poetry. Nicky Jones My Life In Poems, her ground breaking autobiography was published by Copeland Books: She lives in North Wales.
Strider Marcus Jones, born 1960 — is a poet, law graduate and ex civil servant from Salford, England with proud Celtic roots in Ireland and Wales. A member of The Poetry Society, his five published books of poetry are modern, traditional, mythical, sometimes erotic, surreal and metaphysical. He is a socialist and maverick, moving between forests, mountains and cities, playing his saxophone and clarinet in warm solitude. His poetry has been published in the USA, Canada, England, Ireland, Wales, France, Spain and Switzerland in numerous publications including mgv2 Publishing Anthology: And Agamemnon Dead; Deep Water Literary Journal; The Huffington Post USA; The Stray Branch Literary Magazine; Crack The Spine Literary Magazine; A New Ulster/Anu; Outburst Poetry Magazine; The Galway Review; The Honest Ulsterman Magazine; The Lonely Crowd Magazine; Section8Magazine; Danse Macabre Literary Magazine; The Lampeter Review; Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts; Don't Be Afraid: Anthology To Seamus Heaney; Dead Snakes Poetry Magazine; Panoplyzine Poetry Magazine; Syzygy Poetry Journal Issue 1 and Ammagazine/Angry Manifesto Issue 3. He is editor of Lothlorien Poetry Journal:
Norman Jope was born in 1960 in Plymouth, where he lives again after residence in a number of other locations (most recently Bristol and Budapest). He has published For the Wedding-Guest (Stride, 1997), The Book of Bells and Candles (Waterloo Press, 2009), Dreams of the Caucasus (Shearsman Books, 2010) and Aphinar (Waterloo Press, 2012), The Rest of the World (Shearsman, 2021) and his poetry has appeared in many magazines and webzines in the UK, Europe, North America and Australasia. With the late Ian Robinson, he co-edited the anthology In the Presence of Sharks: New Poetry from Plymouth (Phlebas, 2006). He was the editor of the literary and cultural magazine Memes and co-edited a Critical Companion to Richard Berengarten (Salt, 2011; reissued by Shearsman in 2016); critical work has appeared in Tears in the Fence, Terrible Work, Stride and other outlets. He currently works as an administrator in higher education and is also one of the organisers of the Language Club, a long-established live poetry collective based in Plymouth.
Dina Kafiris was born in 1969, and lives in Athens. Her poetry and fiction have appeared in Essence, Horizon Review, Odyssey, Fire, The Wide Skirt, City Circles, 1987 Anthology of Australian Poetry and others. She is currently completing a PhD in Creative and Critical Writing at the University of Wales, Bangor.
Peycho Kanev's work has been published in Welter, Gloom Cupboard, Poetry Cemetery, Nerve Cowboy, The Chiron Review, The Guild of Outsider Writers, Mad Swirl, Side of Grits, Southern Ocean Review, The Houston Literary Review and many others. He is nominated for a Pushcart Award. He lives in Chicago.
A collaborative collection r, containing poetry by himself and Felino Soriano, as well as photography from Duane Locke and Edward Wells II.
Laura Kayne was born in London on 5th August 1978. Laura has an MA in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of Sussex. She writes both poetry and prose and is currently (slowly!) working on a novel. Her poems have been published in The New Writer and Aesthetica magazine as well as online at Mosaic Minds and The Poetry Kit website.
Pen Kease (b. 1951 in Camborne, Cornwall) holds a BA in Creative Writing and Humanities from the Open University, and an MA in Writing from the University of Warwick. Her poems, which are documentary in nature, explore the ways in which society categorises us, using both formal, and casual snobberies to do so. Much of her writing is the result of delving into her own working-class background of family myth, and placing these into historical (and by the act of writing, contemporary) context. Her poems have been previously published in: The Interpreter’s House, Prole Magazine, Algebra of Owls, Emergency Verse—Poetry in Defence of the Welfare State (Caparison), and her flash fiction was recently shortlisted in the Bridport Prize.
Rose Kelleher (b. 1964) grew up in Massachusetts and now lives in Maryland with her husband. She has worked as a technical writer and programmer, among other things, and authored four computer books. Since rediscovering poetry in recent years, she has published poems in The Raintown Review, Snakeskin, Umbrella, and other online and print magazines. Her first book of poems, Bundle o' Tinder, won the 2007 Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize and is available from Waywiser Press (
Tom Kelly was born in Jarrow on Tyneside and now lives further up the Tyne at Blaydon and works as a drama lecturer at South Tyneside College. He has written a number of plays and musicals for The Customs House, South Shields, most recently I Left My Heart in Roker Park. His poetry and short stories have appeared on Radio Four and in many UK magazines including Stand, The Wide Skirt, The Red Lamp, The Penniless Press, and in a number of pamphlets. He has had seven poetry collections published, including The Wrong Jarrow (Smokestack Books, 2006) and Spelk (Red Squirrel Press, 2016).
Calum Kerr was born in Lytham St Annes. He is a freelance writer, reviewer and teacher who lives in Cheadle near Stockport. He has been writing since the age of twelve. He used to be editor of Writer's Muse magazine and has had a number of stories, articles, reviews and essays published in a variety of places including PN Review, Transmission and Blank Pages.
David Kessel was born in Harlesden, London, in April 1947. He suffered a breakdown at 17 prior to medical school. With diplomas from the RCSP, he went on to practise as a GP in East London until his second breakdown put a halt to his medical career. In spite of his illness, David continued writing poetry and published The Ivy in 1989 (Aldgate Press; reprinted 1994). His poems have appeared in the Phoenix Co-Operative, Poetry Express and the anthologies Where There's Smoke, Hackney Writers, Outsider Poems, Bricklight – Poems from the Labour Movement in East London (Pluto Press, 1980) and Under the Asylum Tree (Survivors’ Press, 1995); and have been put to music by the EMFEB Symphony Orchestra in Owen Bourne’s score Hackney Chambers. The publication of O the Windows of the Bookshop Must Be Broken – Collected Poems 1970–2006 (ed. Alan Morrison, Survivors’ Press, 2006) proved a bestseller.
A selection from this volume was recently published in a bilingual German-English volume, Außenseitergedichte (Verlag Edition AV, 2007).
Yasmin Khan is an Indian born poetess residing in Vancouver, B.C. She was born in April 1986 and has been writing poetry since a very young age. Her poetic musings are inspired by the day to day happenings. She draws creativity from the mundane. She blogs at https://yassy66.wordpress. com. Her haiku has been published in many on line journals. Her poetry has been published in GreyWolfe publications' Legends.
Stephen Kingsnorth (born 1952, Bromley, south London), has retired to Wales from ministry in the Methodist Church, following the onset of Parkinson’s Disease. He has had pieces accepted by a dozen on-line poetry sites and Gold Dust, The Seventh Quarry, The Dawntreader & Foxtrot Uniform poetry magazines.
Mark Kirkbride was born in Lancashire in 1968, grew up in Dorset and currently checks subtitles for cinema and DVD in London. He mainly writes novels, children's stories and poetry. Website:
Prakash Kona is a critically acclaimed Indian novelist, essayist, poet and theorist, born in 1967, who currently lives, works and writes in Hyderabad, India. He writes in English, and is the author of the following books to date: Nunc Stans (Creative Non-fiction: 2009, CROSSING CHAOS enigmatic ink, Ontario, Canada); Pearls of an Unstrung Necklace (Fiction: 2005, Fugue State Press, New York); Streets that Smell of Dying Roses (Fiction: 2003, Fugue State Press, New York), and Conjurer of Nights (Waterloo Press, 2012). He is currently working as an Associate Professor at the Department of English Literature, School of English Literary Studies, The English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad.
George Korolog was born in Wilmington, Delaware and moved to California in 1978. He was a climber for over 20 years. He has a masters degree in Psychology and is a Senior Vice President of a Fortune 500 technology company in San Jose, California. He has been published in The Right Eyed Deer, Symmetry Pebbles and The Earth Comes First, among others. He is studying poetry at the Stanford Writers Workshop. He lives in Woodside, California.
Olecksandr Korotko is the author of about forty books of poetry and prose, which are included in poetry anthologies, almanacs, magazines. His works at different times have been translated into Hebrew, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Greek, Croatian, Azerbaijani, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. Member of the Writers' Union of Israel. Member of the Belgian PEN Club. Academician of the European Academy of Sciences, Art and Literature in Paris. Laureate of the Literary Prize of the Mihai Eminescu Academy (Romania, 2017), Laureate of the Grand Literary Prize 'The Love of Freedom' (Paris, 2017), Laureate of the Literary Prize of Maximilian Kirienko-Voloshin (Kiev, 2018). Korotko is extremely demanding on himself. Realizing perfectly well that rest is nothing more than a form of passive degradation, it is always in search of something, always on the way. Developing spiritual qualities in himself, the poet strives for a heightened perception of the world, for the constant presence of a sense of novelty - he has a pronounced instinct for spiritual self-preservation. Poet, novelist, fiction writer, essayist, author of literary miniatures, he addresses his work to the intellectual elite. The traditions of classical poetry and a pronounced modernist orientation are intertwined in his works. Korotko is called the poet-philosopher of the postmodern era, the representative of the avant-garde poetry of the new era. Existentialism, mysticism, surrealism are invariably present in his work. The poetic creative range of Korotko is extensive: from poems in one line - to conceptual works of the epic genre: poems and large poetic cycles.
Steve Komarnyckyj is a British Ukrainian writer and linguist who has lived and worked for most of his life in his native Yorkshire while maintaining strong links with Ukraine. His literary translations and poems have appeared in Poetry Salzburg Review, Vsesvit magazine (Ukraine's most influential literary journal), The North, the Echo Room and Modern Poetry in Translation. His book of selected translations from the Ukrainian poet Pavlo Tychyna,
The Raspberry's Eyelash, was published by Poetry Salzburg in 2011. His translation of Vasyl Shkliar's Ukrainian novel Raven was published by Aventura in April 2013. His translation of the Dan Brown style thriller Khrest by Vasyl Baziv (retitled The Chocolates that Exploded in translation) was published by Anaphora Literary Press in late 2013. He is currently working on a translation of the Shevchenko prize-winning novel Episodic Memory by Lyubov Holota with his partner Susie Speight. Together they run Kalyna Language Press and its associated journal Kalyna Review in between tending to the needs of three demanding domestic cats. Komarnyckyj won an English PEN Award for his translations of the Selected Poems of Ihor Pavlyuk, published as A Flight Over the Black Sea (Waterloo Press, 2014).
Karl Koweski was born in Hammond, Indiana, in 1974 and lived near Chicago until the age of 22 when he moved to the mountains of northern Alabama. He's written poetry and prose for most of his adult life. His latest chapbook, Diminishing Returns, is available at
Craig Kurtz lives at Twin Oaks Intentional Community where he writes poetry while simultaneously handcrafting hammocks. Recent work has appeared in The Bitchin’ Kitsch, The Blue Hour, Outburst, Regime, Indigo Rising, Harlequin Creature, Reckless Writing and The Tower Journal. Music work featured at Fishfood & Lavajuice.
David LaBounty was born in Elmhurst, Illinois on January 10, 1968. He has held jobs in the navy, and as a miner, a mechanic, a reporter and a salesman. He is the author of The Perfect Revolution, The Trinity and Affluenza. His poetry and prose has appeared in Boston Literary Magazine, Zygote in my Coffee, Thieves Jargon, Unlikely 2.0, The Foliate Oak, Night Train, The New Plains Review, Pank, Pemmican, Word Riot, Dogmatika, The Smoking Poet, Common-Line, Gloom Cupboard, Cherry Bleeds, why vandalism?, Wild Goose Poetry Review, The Foundling Review, The Ranfurly Review, Beat the Dust, Laura Hird, silenced press, Poetry Cemetery, The Tonopah Review, Big Toe Review, Lit-Up Magazine, Zapata, The Orange Room Review, Underground Voices, Heroin Love Songs, Vulcan, Strange Road, Opium Poetry, Gutter Eloquence, The Battered Suitcase, Apt, Offbeat Pulp, My Favorite Bullet, Clockwise Cat, Amarillo Bay, Asinine Poetry, Brink Magazine, The Panhandler, The Blotter, Best Poem, Blue Skies, Poor Mojo, Cause and Effect, The Beat, Dirty Napkin, Outsider Writers, The Houston Literary Review, Red Fez, remark, Miller's Pond, Origami Condom, Vibrant Gray, Ink Sweat and Tears, Inscribed, LitChaos, Indite Circle, Mastodon Dentist, Ghoti, Haggard and Halloo, Eskimo Pie, Four Volts, Flutter, Death Metal Poetry, Calliope Nerve and decomP. He lives in suburban Detroit with his wife and two young sons.
Thomas Ország-Land (1938-2010) was a poet and award-winning foreign correspondent writing for global syndication mostly from London and Eastern Europe. He survived the Holocaust as well as the three-month Soviet siege of Budapest as a Jewish child hiding from both the Nazis and the Allied bombers. He took part in the 1956 Hungarian revolution against Communist rule as a journalist on the staff of A Magyar Függetlenség. He later read philosophy at Acadia University in Nova Scotia and trained as a journalist on United Press International in Montreal and The Times and The Financial Times of London. His poetry has been published by the BBC World Service, Ambit, The London Magazine and The New York Times, his reviews and polemics by the Times Literary Supplement (London), Foreign Policy (Washington) and The Jerusalem Report. As a journalist, he covers international affairs, society and the arts; and he prides himself for producing lively and authoritative copy, written to length, on time. His books include eight collections of poetry in many editions, some of them English translations of work by little known, major Holocaust poets, and the anthology The Survivors: Holocaust Poetry for Our Time (Smokestack, England, 2014).
Dorina Brândusa Landén was born in the Transylvanian city of Deva, Romania in 1958. Presently she is resident in Sweden. She has received the following awards: Romulus Guga’s Prose Competition, second prize, 1983, Lucian Blaga’s The National Poetry Festival Award, 1984, Ion D. Sîrbu Foundations Prize for Poetry in 2012 for the book Judecata apei (The Judgement of Water), poetry book in Romanian, DaniMar Publishing House, Romania. Poetry, prose and translations of Swedish poetry into Romanian have been published in a wide array of the Romanian literary magazines including: Romania literara (Romania literary), Luceafarul (The Star), Cronica (The Chronicle), Vatra (The Hearth), Orizont (Horizon), Tribuna (Tribune), Transilvania (Transylvania), SLAST, Vatra Veche (The Old Hearth), Euphorion, Ardealul literar (Transylvania literary) and Pro saeculum. In 1986 she had a reportage featured in in the collective volume: Journey from the springs (Calatorie spre izvoare), Eminescu Publishing House, Romania. Books: Vanzatorul de imagini (The Image Vendor), poetry book in Romanian, Calauza v.b. Publishing House, Romania (2010). Followed by La nord de sufletele voastre (North of your Souls), a poetry book in Romanian, Calauza v.b. Publishing House, Romania. (2011). Judecata apei (The Judgement of Water), poetry book in Romanian, DaniMar Publishing House, Romania. (2012). North of your Souls e-book, Ardiganbooks, UK (2012).
Roberta Lawson lives in Brighton. Her work has most recently appeared or is forthcoming in Eviscerator Heaven, Sein Und Werden, Ditch, the Poetry That Matters, and Zygote In My Coffee, amongst a few other places. She blogs at
Richard Layton was born on 7th October 1942. He is now retired. He has been writing since his twenties. Since last year he's written over 50 satirical poems — many of them prompted by the various political scandals. In 1984 he received a 'Highly commended' prize in the Maldon Poetry festival for a pantoum written on the theme of '1984'. In 2004 he had a rondeau published in Still Life (United Press). Layton has also had two articles published in the magazine, Socialist Standard. His favourite poets are Alexander Pope and Roger Woddis.
Quincy Lehr was born November 14, 1975, Oklahoma City. He is the associate editor of The Raintown Review, and his first book, Across the Grid of Streets, appeared in 2008. His work has appeared in numerous journals in the U.S., UK, Ireland, Australia, and the Czech Republic. He lives in Brooklyn, New York, where he teaches History.
Tasos Leivaditis (1922-88) was born and raised in Athens, where he worked as a literary critic while also producing a rich poetic oeuvre that would win him both critical and popular renown in Greece. His involvement as a youth in leftist politics led to his internment for more than three years on various island prison camps. Soon after his release in 1951 he made his poetic debut, and he went on to publish over twenty volumes of poetry as well as a collection of short stories, securing along the way Greece’s highest honour in poetry (the State Poetry Prize, in 1979).
PA Levy was born in the black and white days of 1954 in East London but now residing amongst the hedge mumblers of rural Suffolk. He has been published in many magazines, both on line and in print, from A cappella Zoo to Zygote In My Coffee and all stations in-between. He is also a founding member of the Clueless Collective and can be found loitering on page corners and wearing hoodies at
Robert Lietz was born in Syracuse, New York, on 20 January 1946. Over 500 poems have appeared in more than one hundred journals in the U.S. and Canada, in Sweden and U.K, including Agni Review, Carolina Quarterly, Epoch, The Georgia Review, The Missouri Review, The North American Review, The Ontario Review, Poetry, and Shenandoah. Seven collections of poems have been published, including Running in Place (L’Epervier Press), At Park and East Division ( L’Epervier Press,) The Lindbergh Half-century (L’Epervier Press), The Inheritance (Sandhills Press), and Storm Service (Basfal Books). Basfal also published After Business in the West: New and Selected Poems. He has completed several print and hypertext (hypermedia) collections of poems for publication, including Character in the Works: Twentieth-Century Lives, West of Luna Pier, Spooking in the Ruins, Keeping Touch, and Eating Asiago & Drinking Beer.
Fiona Linday was born in Nottingham in the early Sixties. She works in education. Through serving in church and working as a Teaching Assistant, at Pierrepont-Gamston Primary school, she’s had opportunities to tell stories. Whilst taking up the challenge of recording prose she’s studied online towards a Certificate in Creative Writing, at Lancaster University. Also, as a member of the Association of Christian Writers, she continues to be encouraged. This is her first published piece of prose which benefited from the help of a mentor, through an Arts training grant. At present she’s attempting her first novel, a crossover piece of fiction. She lives in the Midlands. Her young adult novel, Get Over It Adventures, was published by Onwards and Upwards Publishers last September. Linday is featured in an article in the Writers in Education Magazine issue 51 this summer with a piece about writing in primary school called, A Chocolate Box of Short Stories; and in Mythica's, Maybe Tomorrow anthology with a short futuristic story called, Paradise Lost. Not!
Phil Lucas was born in Twickenham, West London, in 1970. He has been a stand up comedy poet, a freelance photographer, run primary school classes on poetry and written for advertising agencies. Lucas now writes full-time and is lucky enough to have seen his work in a number of magazines and books. He was also winner of The Arrival Press London Poetry Competition in 1996. Lucas has published a novel, Seaside Tales From Asper St. Jasper (YourPod Ltd., 2008) and two poetry collections, Poems from the Seashore (2006) and The Silence of the Suburbs (2008), both Palores Publications. Website:
Alexis Lykiard was born in Athens at the start of 1940, when Mussolini’s Italian troops were repelled by the Greeks in the North of the country. He is a prolific writer, author of over two dozen poetry collections, including Journey of the Alchemist (Sebastian Carter, 1963), Greek Images (Second Aeon Publications, 1972), Out of Exile—Selected Poems 1968–85 (Arc 1985), Safe Levels (Stride, 1990), Cat Kin (Sinclair-Stevenson, 1994), Skeleton Keys (Redbeck, 2003), Getting On: Poems 2000-2012 (Shoestring, 2013), and most recently, Winter Crossings (Shoestring Press, 2020). He has published two autobiographies on his long-time friend, novelist Jean Rhys (1890-1979), Jean Rhys Revisited (2000) and Jean Rhys: Afterwords (2006). Website:
Andrzej Łyszkowicz was born in 1970 in the Mazurian Lake District of Poland. He took his MA in American Literature at the University of Warsaw. He has been residing in the UK since 2006. Łyszkowicz has maintained an interest in poetry since he was eight, when he became acquainted with the work of the Polish Romantics. He has also deeply indebted to post-war Polish poets such as Czesław Miłosz and Zbigniew Herbert. Among his greatest influences in the English language are William Blake, John Donne, Dylan Thomas, Allen Ginsberg and the Canadian singer-songwriter, poet and novelist Leonard Cohen. Some of Łyszkowicz’s Polish poetry and prose has been published on-line by Cegła: Magazyn materiałów literackich, while some English poems have appeared in an anthology of service users’ writing, The Hats We Wear/Blank Versing the Past (Waterloo Press/Sussex Partnership NHS Trust, 2009/10). His first solo chapbook collection, Terrifying Fruit, was published by Creative Future (ed. and intr. Alan Morrison, 2013). He lives in Brighton.
Graeme McCann was born in Canada in 1983 but have lived in England for the past thirteen years. He has have been writing since the age of eight and has a degree in Creative Writing from the University of Derby, including a First for his short story portfolio. McCann has recently completed a novella, but has not yet settled on a title for it. He has previously had short stories published on Magpies, and Rose.
John McKeown was born in Liverpool in 1959. He graduated from John Moore’s University in 1987 with an Honours Degree in English and History. He lived in Prague for several years as a teacher and freelance journalist before moving to Ireland in 2000, where he was a columnist for the Irish Examiner, and arts feature writer for the Irish Times. He was theatre critic for the Irish Daily Mail from 2006 to 2008 and is currently reviewing theatre for the Irish Independent and raising his daughter Julia. He lives and writes in Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin. His poems have appeared in Orbis, The Eildon Tree, Dreamcatcher, Aerings, Earth Love, Envoi, Borderlines, The London Magazine, and Irish-based journals Cyphers, The Shop, and Southword. He was winner of the Start Chapbook Prize (Ireland) in 2004 for his cycle of poems Looking Toward Inis Oírr. A pamphlet, Samhain—Waterloo Samplers 9 (2004) and a full volume, Sea of Leaves (2009) were published by Waterloo Press.
Michael McAloran was Belfast born in 1976. His family moved to the south of Ireland due to 'The Troubles'. He has been writing for almost a decade, but has only recently begun to submit. His work has been published by Full Of Crow (U.S), Poetry Monthly International (U.K), WritingRaw (U.S), The Gloom Cupboard (U.S), Lines Written W/A Razor (Canada), Counterexample Poetics (U.S), Origami Condom (U.S), Deep Tissue (U.S), Why Vandalism? (U.S), Clockwise Cat (U.S), and also at BlazeVOX (U.S) (Fall Edition 2009). His first published book of poetry, entitled In The Black Cadaver Light is available from Poetry Monthly Press. He also like to entertain himself with cigarettes, paint, and alcohol.
Richie McCaffery's poems have appeared in Magma, Poetry Scotland, Envoi, Horizon Review, Northwords Now, The Times Literary Supplement, The Spectator, Poetry Wales, Poetry Review, Poetry Ireland Review, Cyphers, The Rialto, Ambit, Stand, Agenda, The Dark Horse, The Manchester Review, The North, The Reader, The Manhattan Review, Poetry New Zealand, The Warwick Review, The SHOp, New Writing Scotland, The Herald, The Scotsman. He was recipient of an Edwin Morgan Poetry bursary, funded by the Scottish Arts Council. He has reviewed for Agenda, London Grip, Sphinx and other outlets. Poetry pamphlets: Spinning Plates (HappenStance Press, 2012), Ballast Flint (Cromarty Arts Trust, 2013), Cairn (Nine Arches Press, 2014), First Hare (Mariscat Press, 2020), Coping Stones (Fras Publications, 2021). Poetry collection: Passport (Nine Arches Press, 2018).
Austin McCarron was born in Blenheim, New Zealand in 1956. He has lived in the London for many years. His work has appeared in numerous magazines such as Great Works, Moodswing, Decanto, Neon Highway, Poetic License, Poetry Express, Message in a Bottle, Van Gogh's Ear and others.
Niall McDevitt travelled through 23 European countries with a guitar and tent, including Corsica ‘The Island of Beauty’. Returning to London, McDevitt worked as an actor/ musician in Neil Oram’s 24-hour play The Warp, Ken Campbell’s Pidgin Macbeth, and John ‘Crow’ Constable’s The Southwark Mysteries. For radio, he was resident Pidgin poet/translator on John Peel’s Home Truths, and has featured in Bespoken Word, The Robert Elms Show, The Verb, The Poet of Albion, and also such Resonance 104.4FM shows as Mining for Gold and Lost Steps. As activist, McDevitt has campaigned to secure the future of the Rimbaud/Verlaine House at 8 Royal College Street, and for the release of poet Saw Wai from Insein prison in Burma. He leads epic psychogeographical walks through London esp. Shakespeare, Blake, Rimbaud, Yeats. Poetry collections: b/w (Waterloo Press, 2010), Porterloo (International Times, 2012), and Firing Slits: Jerusalem Colportage (New River Press, 2016).
Stuart McFarlane was born in 1954. He has spent many years, both abroad and in the UK, teaching English. In the UK this mainly involved teaching ESOL to refugees and asylum seekers. He is now semi-retired and so can devote more time to writing poetry. He has had a few poems published in local magazines and in online publications such as Borderless Journal, based in Malysia and Culture Matters, based in the UK.
David McLean is Welsh but has lived in Sweden since 1987. He lives on an island in the Stockholm archipelago with a woman, five selfish cats and a stupid dog. He has a BA in History from Oxford, and an unconnected MA in philosophy, much later, from Stockholm. Details of his available books, chapbooks, and over 850 poems in or forthcoming at 370 places online or in print over the last couple of years, are at his blog at Poetry chapbooks: nobody wants to go to heaven but everybody wants to die (Poptritus Press, 2009), and hellbound (Epic Rites). Features in an anthology called laughing at funerals (Epic Rites Publications, 2010). For Epic Rites he edits the chapbook series and the e-zines lines written w/ a razor and the thin edge of staring, as well as selecting work for the radio network.
Nick McMaster was born in London in 1969. A trained sculptor, he has had solo and group shows in UK and Poland. He has performed in numerous live art events around the country, most notably at the ICA in London. He has also been at times a musician, film maker and club and radio DJ. As part of Brighton-based trans-media live art band Maphead (, McMaster has been at the forefront of improvisational and experimental art forms for over ten years, with works ranging from the hidden street theatre of Ill Fitting Suits to the interactive literature event and Brighton Festival favourite Waiting for Inspiration. As co-founder of the electronica musicians’ collective the Spirit of Gravity, ( he has performed with bands Malevich and This Sound Bureaucracy and is currently working on the solo project The Needle Exchange. More recently he created, wrote, directed and acted in a twelve part internet audio comedy soap opera entitled Hanover Square ( 'Something (Borrowed)’ is his first short story. McMaster lives and works in Brighton, England.
Joan McNerney’s poetry has been included in numerous literary magazines such as Seven Circle Press, Dinner with the Muse, Blueline, Spectrum, three Bright Spring Press Anthologies and several Kind of A Hurricane Publications. She has been nominated three times for Best of the Net. Poet and Geek recognized her work as their best poem of 2013. Four of her books have been published by fine small literary presses and she has three e-book titles.
Jonathan Mackenzie was born in Edinburgh on 22 March 1970. As a poet, he works almost exclusively in metered verse. Collection: Free Verse is an Oxymoron (Formal verse is tautology). Mackenzie is founder of the online The Poetry Academy. He also provides poetry workshops for beginners on his blogsite where he features examples of various formal styles.
Donal Mahoney lives in St. Louis, Missouri U.S.A.. He has worked as an editor for The Chicago Sun-Times, Loyola University Press and Washington University in St. Louis. He has had poems published in or accepted by The Wisconsin Review, The Kansas Quarterly, The South Carolina Review, The Beloit Poetry Journal, Commonweal, Revival (Ireland), The Istanbul Literary Review (Turkey), Poetry Super Highway, The Christian Science Monitor, Pirene's Fountain (Australia), Public Republic (Bulgaria), and other publications.
Sean J Mahoney lives with his wife, her parents, an Uglydoll, and three dogs in Santa Ana, California. He works in geophysics after studying literature and poetry in school. He was born on July 7, 1966 in New Rochelle, New York. In April of 2012 he was diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. He has been writing in and for two distinct worlds since then. Something On Our Minds is to be an annual anthology of poetry and prose to benefit for the NMSS. Sean co-edited and contributed to Volume 1 which was released in June of 2013.
James Mansfield was born in 1981. He is a short story writer currently working towards his first collection.
Charles J. March III (7/6/88, Chicago, IL) is an asexual, neurodivergent Navy hospital corpsman veteran who is currently trying to live an eclectic life with an interesting array of recovering creatures in Orange County, CA. His various works have appeared in or are forthcoming from the Evergreen Review, Atlas Obscura, Litro, the Chicago Tribune, L.A. Times, Lalitamba, 3:AM Magazine, Fleas on the Dog, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, BlazeVOX, Blood Tree Literature (prize), Bareknuckle Poet, Anti-Heroin Chic, The Beatnik Cowboy, Points in Case, Stinkwaves, The Writing Disorder, Literary Orphans, Otoliths, Oddball Magazine, et al. Links to his pieces can be found on LinkedIn and SoundCloud.
Robert Marsland is a writer living in Glasgow. He has had two collections of poetry published by Ettrick Forest Press and is the founder and editor of Essence poetry magazine His work has appeared in Gutter and The New Writer.
Vladislav Martynovitch was born in Poltawa, Ukraine in 1976 and afterwards mainly lived in Voronezh, Russia. He left Russia for Jerusalem, Israel in 2012. He studied Humanities, Political Science and Sociology, International Law, has a PhD in Political Science, based on scientific work in Germany ( a scholarship there in 2001-2002 ). He worked, while being in Russia, in numerous colleges, universities, etc. as a lecturer, and also used to teach English. He started writing poetry on 14 July 2004. He has written 13 books' worth of poetry. Since his emigration to Israel, he has been working on translating them into English.
Steve Mann is in his fifties and lives nr Shrewsbury. He was published in Waiting for Gulliver (Caradoc Publications) alongside fellow poet Sally Richards. His first solo collection was cui bono? (Survivors' Press, 2007), which was launched at The Poetry Cafe, Covent Garden, London. His poetry has appeared in Poetry Express and in a number of journals and anthologies. He has read at Aberystwyth University, Keele University, and Staffordshire University. Also Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Shrewsbury Library, Shrewsbury Museum, and at various other venues throughout Shrewsbury and Shropshire.
Anthony Mason was born 30 June 1982 in Preston, Lancashire. He has published two collaborative books of art and poetry with well known artists Karena Karras and Bernard Dumaine and has had his work showcased alongside 50 of the best surreal artists in the Negoist New Art collection - Imagine The Imagination.
Born 8/15/63, Albany NY. A resident of NY, Stephen Mead is a published outsider artist, writer, maker of short-collage films and sound-collage downloads. In 2014 he began a webpage to gather links of his poetry being published in such zines as Great Works, Unlikely Stories, Quill & Parchment, etc. Resident Artist & Curator for the online Chroma Museum, artistic representations of LGBTQI persons and organizations predominantly before Stonewall, Stephen Mead has been a published outsider artist/writer going on thirty years now. He is immensely grateful to the myriad publications who have presented his work over this timespan, and given his need to create a voice of support. Recently he has had work published in The Pinecone Review and Neologism Poetry Journal.
Joshua Meander is from Woodside, N.Y. For 20 years he has been hosting an Open Mic in Greenwich Village called Nomad's Choir.
Nigel Mellor lives and works in Newcastle. His poems have appeared in a broad range of publications both inside and outside the poetry world including Time Out, Tribune and New Poetry 1 (ACE). At readings, Nigel’s powerful style engages the widest audiences. His well reviewed collection For the Inquiry: poetry of the dirty war is available on
Rev. Judith Mensch served as a pastor in the United Methodist Church. She began writing poetry in the last years of her life, as a way of responding to and coping with breast cancer. She passed away in 2003.
Stephen C. Middleton was born on 17 November 1960 in Maidstone, Kent. He is a writer working in London, England. He has had five books published including A Brave Light (Stride) and Worlds of Pain / Shades of Grace (Poetry Salzburg). He has been in several anthologies, including Paging Doctor Jazz (Shoestring), and From Hepworth’s Garden Out (Shearsman, 2010). For several years he was editor of Ostinato, a magazine of jazz and jazz-related poetry, and The Tenormen Press. He has been in many magazines worldwide. He is currently working on projects (prose and poetry) relating to jazz, blues, politics, outsider (folk) art, mountain environments, and long-term illness.
RC Miller was born in Parkersburg, West Virginia, in 1974. He is a poet and photographer currently living in New York City. Website:
Ray Miller was born in Birmingham 12/2/1954. He has supported the likes of John Cooper Clarke and Attila the Stockbroker on stage. His poems have appeared in Prole, Antiphon, Message in a Bottle, Ink, Sweat and Tears, The British Journal of Psychiatry and one poem even got a mention in The Guardian.
James Mirarchi was born in Queens, New York in 1968. In addition to his poetry collections, Venison and Dervish, he has written and directed short films, which have played at festivals. His poems have appeared in Crack the Spine Literary Magazine, Poydras Review, gobbet, Boyslut, The Mind[less] Muse, Dead Snakes, Subliminal Interiors Magazine, and others.
Mark J. Mitchell studied writing at UC Santa Cruz under Raymond Carver, George Hitchcock and Barbara Hull. His work has appeared in various periodicals over the last thirty five years, as well as the anthologies Good Poems, American Places, Hunger Enough, and Line Drives. Poetry chapbook: Three Visitors (Negative Capability Press). Novels: The Magic War and Knight Prisoner. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, the documentarian and filmmaker Joan Juster. Currently he's seeking gainful employment since poets are born and not paid.
Elfriede Mollon was born on 18th September 1929 and raised in Berlin, Germany. Emigrated to US in 1954. Living in California since 1955. Five grown children, thirteen grandchildren. Twice widowed. Published eight books, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
Adam Moorad's writing has appeared in 3 A.M. Magazine, Abjective, Storyglossia, and Underground Voices. He lives in Brooklyn and works in publishing. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.
George Moore's poetry has appeared in The Atlantic, Poetry, Colorado Review, North American Review, Orion, Blast (Australia), QRLS (Singapore), Queen's Quarterly and The Antigonish Review (Canada), Dublin Quarterly, and elsewhere internationally. He was nominated for two Pushcart Prizes this year and last, two "Best of the Web," The Rhysling Poetry Award and the Wolfson Poetry Prize. He has also been a finalist for The National Poetry Series, The Richard Synder Memorial Prize, The Brittingham Poetry Award, and The Anhinga Poetry Prize. His most recent collections are All Night Card Game in the Back Room of Time (Pulpbits 2007) and Headhunting (Mellen, 2002). He teaches literature at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Helen Moore is an ecopoet, author and Forest Schools practitioner based in Frome, Somerset. She publishes her poetry in anthologies and journals and as handmade pamphlets, and regularly performs her poetry around the UK. Other books include: Changing Nature (GreenSeer Books, 2006), and for children, the Hope stories on climate change (Lollypop Publishing, 2008/9). Moore has published poetry, essays and reviews in various anthologies and journals, including Magma, The Wolf, PAN (Philosophy, Activism, Nature), The Nail, Green Spirit, Caduceus, Indra’s Net, The Source, Buzz (Templar Poetry), In the Telling (Cinnamon Press), Soul of the Earth (Awen Publishing), The William Blake Birthday Book (Bow of Burning Gold), Emergency Verse (Caparison), Anarchism and Sexuality: Ethics, Relationships and Power (Routledge) and Resurgence Magazine, for which she has been guest poetry editor and honorary poet in residence. Poetry collections: Hedge Fund, And Other Living Margins (Shearsman Books, 2012), ECOZOA (Permanent Publications in 2015), The Mother Country (Awen Publications, 2019).
P.A. Morbid is a poet from Middlesbrough, NE England, where he still lives (born 17/12/65). His poetry addresses place, spirituality and on occasions alcoholism, suicide & despair. And desire. Editor of The Black Light Engine Room lit.zine as well as co-host of the night with the same name, he has been published in Kenaz, Sentinel Poetry, Pink Lane anthology, as well as having his first book River Songs (Ek Zuban, 2010), Dark Matter I. (The Black Light Engine Room Press, 2013).
David R Morgan teaches 11-19 year olds in Luton, and lives in Bedfordshire. He has been an arts worker and literature officer, organizer of book festivals and writer-in-residence for education authorities, Littlehay Prison and Fairfield Psychiatric Hospital (which was the subject of a Channel 4 film, Out of Our Minds). He has had two plays screened on ITV and over 200 hundred poems published in National and International Poetry Magazines. His books for children include: The Strange Case of William Whipper-Snapper, three Info Rider books for Collins and Blooming Cats which won the Acorn Award and was recently animated for BBC2's Words and Pictures Plus as well as a Horrible Histories biography: Spilling The Beans On Boudicca. David has also written poetry books, including: The Broken Picture Book, The Windmill and the Grains (Hawthorn Prize) and Buzz Off. His poetry collection Walrus on a Rocking Chair, illustrated by John Welding, is published by Claire Publications and his last adult poetry collection Ticket for the Peepshow was published by art’icle international. His latest collections: Beneath The Dreaming Tree was published by Poetry Space Ltd in October 2011 and Lightbulbs In The Sea by Knives, Forks & Spoons Press was published in November 2011.
Jim Morris was born in Ireland on Saint Patrick's Day 1961. He was brought up (and still) lives in the Barnsley. The Ken Loach film Kes depicts the kind of working-class envirionment and schhe ool life grew up in. He is an Educating Rita type. He went back to education in 1983 and got a degree in Humanities in 1987. Since that time he has had various jobs in education but he never qualified as a teacher. He is currently Learner Support worker at Barnsley College. He has had poems published in The Haiku Quarterly, Iota, The North, and The Spectator, and has been published twice in The Chesterton Review (US). His favourite poet is Ernest Dowson.
Alan Morrison was born in 1974. His poetry first appeared in Don't Think of Tigers (The Do Not Press, 2001). Chapbooks: Giving Light (Waterloo Press, 2003), Clocking-in for the Witching Hour and Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever (both Sixties Press); Volumes: The Mansion Gardens (Paula Brown, 2006), Picaresque (chipmunkapublishing, 2008), A Tapestry of Absent Sitters (Waterloo Press, 2009), Keir Hardie Street (Smokestack Books, 2010; shortlisted for the Tillie Olsen Award, USA; recorded to CD by actor Michael Jayston), Captive Dragons/ The Shadow Thorns (Waterloo, 2011), Blaze a Vanishing/ The Tall Skies (Waterloo, 2013; Arts Council Grant for the Arts Award), Blaze a Vanishing—Revisited (Caparison, 2013, ebook exclusively for World Literature Today, USA), Odour of Devon Violet (, 2014; Arts Council Grant for the Arts Award), Shadows Waltz Haltingly (Lapwing Publications, 2015), Tan Raptures (Smokestack Books, 2017), Shabbigentile (Culture Matters, 2019), Gum Arabic (Cyberwit, 2020) and Anxious Corporals (Smokestack, 2021). His poetry and monographs have appeared in over 50 journals worldwide including Aireings, Cadenza, The Canon's Mouth, Carillon, Culture Matters, Decanto, Eclipse,
The Fortnightly Review, Illuminations (US), The International Times, The Journal, The London Magazine, Long Poem Magazine (forthcoming), The Morning Star, The Penniless Press, Pennine Platform, Poetry Monthly International, Poetry Salzburg Review (Austria), South, Stand, The Yellow Crane, The Whistling Shade (US). Reviews and notices of his work in The Church Times, The Guardian, The Journal, The Kalyna Review, Litter, London Grip, The London Magazine, The Morning Star, Other Poetry, Red Pepper, Stand, Stride, Tears in the Fence, Write Out Loud and others. Morrison edited and designed the three Caparison anti-cuts anthologies, Emergency Verse—Poetry in Defence of the Welfare State (2011), The Robin Hood Book—Verse Versus Austerity (2012) and The Brown Envelope Book (2021). He is founder and editor of The Recusant and its sister site Militant Thistles, and is an Assistant Editor for Culture Matters. His poetry has been awarded grants from Arts Council England, the Society of Authors and the Royal Literary Fund.
James Morrison was born in 1971. After graduating from York University with a 2.1 in Archaeology, he naturally trained as a journalist, at the University of Wales, in Cardiff. Former Arts and Entertainment Correspondent for The Independent on Sunday (2001-03), and Senior Lecturer in Journalism at Brighton City College. For several years he freelanced for The Independent and The Guardian and lectured in journalism at Kingston University. He completed his PhD in Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London. Since 2016 he has been Reader in Journalism at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. He is a regular contributor to The Literary Review. He was shortlisted for the Writers and Artists Yearbook Novel Writing Competition 2007 with a sample from his dystopian novel-in-progress, The Dwarf on the Scaffolding, and won a free manuscript appraisal from the Literary Consultancy. He also writes (often dystopian-inclined) short stories. He is author of the NCTJ Public Affairs for Journalists (Oxford University Press, 2009), Familiar Strangers—Juvenile Panic and the British Press (Palgrave MacMillan, 2016), Scroungers—Moral Panics and Media Myths (Zed Books, 2019), and The Left Behind: Reimagining the Excluded of Britain (Pluto Press, 2022). He is brother of Alan Morrison.
Keith Moul’s poems and photos are published widely. Finishing Line Press released his chapbook, The Future as a Picnic Lunch, in November, 2015. Aldrich Press has published Naked Among Possibilities in August 2016 and has released Not on any Map in August, 2017; Finishing Line published Investment in Idolatry early in 2017.
J.B. Mulligan has had poems and stories in dozens of magazines, including recently, Deronda Review, Red River Review, Cafe Irreal, Stone's Throw, Perceptions, and Vox Humana, has had two chapbooks published: The Stations of the Cross and THIS WAY TO THE EGRESS, and also has appeared in the anthology Inside Out: A Gathering of Poets.
Jemma Murat was born on the 13th of August 1985 in North London, Finsbury Park. Her work is influenced by John Berryman and Pablo Neruda, as well as Elizabeth Bishop.
Sheila E. Murphy. Murphy’s most recent books are Permission to Relax (BlazeVOX Books, 2023), October Sequence: Sections 1-51 (mOnocle-Lash Anti-Press, 2023), and Sostenuto (Luna Bisonte Prods (2023). Murphy is the recipient of the Gertrude Stein Award for her book Letters to Unfinished J. (Green Integer Press, 2003). Murphy's book titled Reporting Live from You Know Where (2018) won the Hay(na)Ku Poetry Book Prize Competition from Meritage Press (U.S.A.) and xPress(ed) (Finland). Based on a background in music theory and instrumental and vocal performance, her poetry is associated with music. Murphy earns her living as a management consultant and researcher and holds the Ph.D. degree. She has lived in Phoenix, Arizona throughout her adult life.
Jennifer Newbury was born on the 29th of March 1984 in Yeovil, Somerset. She has lived in Dorset most of her life. She studied at the Arts Institute in Bournemouth, where she gained a First Class Honours in Photography. Newbury writes graphic novels, short stories, flash fiction and novels, since the age of 7. Recently she worked at Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, but gave up because she wanted a less conventional future. Her ambition is to work and live in the woods, running an educational centre to help people lower their carbon footprint and live simply. She currently works part time in a sweet shop and volunteer for conservation groups.
Jim Newcombe was born in Derby in 1976. He lives in Chiswick and works in Central London as a transcription editor for the Royal Courts of Justice. He has had work published in Poetry Nottingham, Tears In The Fence and The Bohemian Aesthetic. He has one daughter.
James B. Nicola was born in Worcester, Massachusetts. He has over a hundred poems appear in a score of publications including Tar River, The Texas Review, The Lyric, and Nimrod. A stage director by profession, his book Playing the Audience won a CHOICE Award. He won the Dana Literary Award for Poetry, was nominated for a Rhysling Award, and was a featured poet at The New Formalist. Poetry collections: Fires of Heaven: Poems of Faith and Sense (Shanti Arts, 2021), Quickening: Poems from Before and Beyond (Cyberwit, 2019), Out of Nothing: Poems of Art and Artists (Shanti Arts, 2018), Wind in the Cave (Finishing Line Press), Manhattan Plaza (Word Poetry, 2014) and Stage to Page: Poems from the Theater (Word Poetry, 2016).
Ashok Niyogi is an Economics graduate from Presidency College, Calcutta. He made a career as an International Trader and has lived and worked in the Soviet Union, Europe and South East Asia in the ‘80s and ‘90s. At 52, he has been retired for some years and has been cashew farming, writing and traveling. He divides time between California, where his daughters live, Delhi and the Indian Himalayas. He is increasingly involved in his personal spiritual quest and studies scripture. He has published a book of poems, Tentatively, and has been extensively published in print and on-line magazines and in chapbook form in the USA, UK, Australia and Canada.
Alistair Noon was born in 1970 and grew up in Aylesbury. He co-edits the magazines Bordercrossing Berlin and No Man's Land, and runs the annual Poetry Hearings festival in Berlin. His poems, reviews and translations from German, Russian and Chinese have appeared in Magma, The Wolf, Mimesis, Litter, Shearsman, Oasis, Poetry News, Chimera, Cipher Journal, Intercapillary Space, Realpoetik, Softblow and Versal, among others. Poetry pamphlets: At the Emptying of Dustbins (Oystercatcher Press Noon has published versions of twelve poems by the German First World War Expressionist poet August Stramm in an e-chapbook at Intercapillary Space; his second print chapbook, In People's Park (Penumbra Editions); translations of the German poet Monika Rinck (Barque Press); Out of the Cave (Calder Wood Press, 2011); Surveyors' Riddles (with Giles Goodland, Sidekick Books, 2015). Full collections: Earth Records (Nine Arches Press, 2013), The Kerosene Singing Paperback (Nine Arches Press, 2015).
Christopher Norris is a Professor of Philosophy at Cardiff University. He has published more than thirty books on philosophy and literary theory, as well as a recent volume of poetry, The Cardinal's Dog. He sings with the Cardiff-based campaigning Reds Choir (Cor Cochion) and lives near Caerphilly. Two poetry collections with cartoons by Martin Gollan published by Culture Matters: The Trouble with Monsters: Poems for Dark Times (2019) and The Folded Lie (2019).
Daniel North was born in Edmonton, North London, UK in 1978. He has published poems in various journals but mostly in organisation newsletters such as Depression Alliance, Missing Persons helpline and others. One of his poems was published in Solutions for Adults with Asperger's Syndrome by Juanita Lovett Ph.d. Website: New Dawn Poetry.
Alan O’Brien was born in 1977. He was raised in the Finglas/Ballymun area of Dublin, and is a bricklayer by trade. In opposition to emigration culture, he returned to education in 2011 and received a BA in English-History at UCD, 2015. He also received the Dublin City Lord Mayor’s Certificate in Oral History 2016; was shortlisted for the Maeve Binchy Travel Award 2015; was winner of the P.J O’Connor Award 2016, and finalist for the Lingo Spoken Word festival 2016. He has been published in Rabble magazine, Travellers’ Voice and Liberty newspaper. He co-wrote, directed, and took a part in a play entitled From the Backbone Out that was performed in Liberty Hall, Dublin 2016 and 2017. An academic paper by him on Irish Literature is forthcoming in literary journal, Fulcrum: an annual of poetry and aesthetics 2019 Cambridge, Massachusetts.
John O’Donoghue’s journalism, poetry and fiction has appeared in The Observer, The TES, The London Magazine, PN Review, Ambit, Acumen, Orbis, Aesthetica and Poetry Express. His memoir, Sectioned (John Murray, 2009) was Mind Book of the Year 2010, critically praised in most nationals including the Sunday Times, The Independent, The Morning Star and by Blake Morrison in The Guardian. Poetry: Letter to Lord Rochester—Waterloo Sampler No 8 (Waterloo Press, 2004), The Beach Generation (Pighog Press, 2007), Brunch Poems (Waterloo, 2009), Fools & Mad (Waterloo, 2014). In 2016 he won The Irish Post Short Story Competition and was given a Brookleaze Grant by the Royal Society of Literature. A collection of autobiographical short stories, The King From Over the Water, was published by The Wild Geese Press in 2019.
Mary O’Dwyer was born in 1963. She was brought up in children’s homes until she was sixteen, when she was fostered for two years. Mary qualified as a psychiatric nurse in 1985. She started writing poetry from the age of twenty-four and has had some of her work published in various anthologies and in journals such as First Time and Poems in the Waiting Room. She has a small exhibition of her work currently on show in her local doctor’s surgery. Her first collection, A Coat of Blanket Dreams, has just been published by Creative Future
Liam O’Neill was born in Kilkenny, the first of his family to go to college. He worked in engineering for 20 years in London, Spain and Dublin. After becoming redundant in the 2008 financial crash, he retrained as a manufacturing clerk. Disillusioned with working for soulless multinational companies, he now enjoys working with adults with intellectual disabilities in Galway. His work has been published in The Irish Times, Poetry Ireland Review, and Let Us Rise—a commemoration of the Limerick Workers’ Soviet, 1919. He has also written a family history titled All the days of Winter. ‘Railings of Government Buildings’ was previously published in Let Us Rise: Anthology of the Limerick Soviet 1919, published in January 2019.
Ruary O'Siochain is a native of Dublin, his family now grown he quit his craft based business five years ago to devote time to writing and travel, and has taught English for periods in Latin America and Sri Lanka. He has had work published in Fire, Pulsar, Snakeskin, The New Writer amongst others, as well as a recent acceptance from Orbis. Favourite pastimes include motorbikes and gazing around the place, and he currently lives between Cardiff and Dublin.
Sergio A. Ortiz was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico on the 14th of March, 1951. He has a B.A. in English literature from Inter-American University, and a M.A. in philosophy from World University. He is a retired teacher. His poems have been published or are forthcoming this in: Salt River Review, Yellow Medicine, Autumn Sky Poetry, Rust and Moth, Presence-Haiku, Shamrock, 3LightsGallery, The Smoking Poet, The Journal of Truth and Consequence, Ganymede, Collective Fallout, Breadcrumb Scabs, Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, and The Driftwood Review.
Antony Owen is a writer from Coventry. His collection The Nagasaki Elder was shortlisted for the coveted Ted Hughes Award and he is one of the leading writers of war and peace poetry active in 21st century poetry. His work is taught at regular poetry workshops in Hiroshima and also appears in a national UK peace education resource by CND Peace Education. The poems published at Peace Direct will appear in a poetry collection with poet Isabel Palmer who Owen rates as one of the most important peace poets of our generation. He has joint winner of the Bread & Roses Poetry Award 2020, the Museum of Military Medicine Prize 2018, the Peace & Reconciliation Award for Coventry Community Cohesion 2016. Poetry collections: The Battle (KF&S Press, 2022), Phoenix (Thelem Press, Germany, 2021), Cov Kids (KF&S Press, 2021), The Unknown Civilian (KF&S Press, 2020), The Nagasaki Elder (V. Press, 2017), Margaret Thatcher's Museum (Hesterglock Press, 2015), The Year I Loved England (Pighog Press, 2014 with Joe Horgan), The Dreaded Boy (Pighog Press, 2011), My Father's Eyes Were Blue (Heaventree Press, 2009).
Matt Panesh (aka Monkey Poet) has performed his award winning poetry at music festivals, fringes, burlesque nights, comedy clubs, rallies, and even poetry nights. He will be touring in the UK and North America next year with a double bill comprising his first play - Welcome to Afghanistan! - and the stand-up poetry show Welcome to the UK!. An album based on the UK show mixing radio drama and live poetry was released on Debt Records and can be heard for free here For further information please visit:
Mick Parkin was born in Yorkshire in 1957. He graduated in 1978 with a Degree in Engineering from Newcastle University. He spent most of the 1980s in Spain. He worked as a bricklayer till 1987. Between 1990-95 he was a stand-up comic and performance poet, in London. He moved to Glasgow in 1995, and since then has been teaching creative writing to sixth form students in schools throughout Scotland and Ireland. He has no academic qualifications
as a writer or teacher. The novel from which his contribution is extracted is —along with five others— available to download for £1 at
Ihor Pavlyuk was born in the Volyn region of Ukraine in January 1967 and studied at the St Petersburg Military University, which he left in order to pursue his career as a writer. He was as a result sentenced to a period of hard labour in the Taiga working on what was literally a road to nowhere but regained his liberty in the chaos accompanying the fall of the Soviet Union. His work has won numerous awards and is marked by a simplicity of diction and emotional honesty. Translations of his poetry have appeared in Acumen, Apple Valley Review, and Envoi 163 where he was part of the featured poet selection. His Selected Poems, A Flight Over the Black Sea, translated by Steve Komarnyckyj, was published by Waterloo Press (2014).
Neal Pearce was born Dorking in 1967 and grew up near Horsham. He is a graduate of the Creative Futures mentoring scheme and some of his poems have recently appeared in their anthology amazement. Pamphlet collection: Crate of Fuchsias (Creative Futures, 2009).
J.R. Pearson was born in 1977 in Michigan. His work has been featured in Accapella Zoo, Red Fez, Niteblade, The Houston Literary Review, Byline, Blood Pudding Press, The Indie Underground, The Cherry Blossom Review, Dogzplot, Ghoti, Ditch, Weave & Tipton. He still dreams of the Great Lakes & craves inevitable Nor'easter.
Douglas Penick’s work appeared in Tricycle, Descant, New England Review, Parabola, Chicago Quarterly, Publishers Weekly Agni, Kyoto Journal, Berefrois, 3AM, The Utne Reader, and Consequences among others. He has written texts for operas (Munich Biennale, Santa Fe Opera), and, on a grant from the Witter Bynner Foundation, three separate episodes from the Gesar of Ling epic. His novel Following The North Star was published by Publerati. Wakefield Press published his and Charles Ré’s translation of Pascal Quignard’s A Terrace In Rome. His book of essays, The Age of Waiting which engages the atmospheres
of ecological collapse, will be published in 2020 by Arrowsmith Press.
Si Philbrook was born on the 27th February 1966 in Brighton. He works with autistic children. His poetry has been published in print in ETC, Heroin Love Songs, The Alabaster & Mercury Journal, Copeland Books Love Poems Collection, Poetry Monthly and The Argus and online in LIT UP Magazine, Gloom Cupboard, Cherry Picked Hands, Eviscerator Heaven and Litmocracy. He has performed his poetry at Horseplay in Brighton and regularly comes last in the Brighton Hammer & Tongue poetry slam.
Mair De-Gare Pitt has taught English and Creative Writing for many years and has published poetry widely in magazines and anthologies. She has been successful in competitions for poetry, short stories and playwriting, and had published studies on Indian poet, Rabindranath Tagore and children’s writer, Alfred Bestall. She runs a local drama group in Cwmbran, and is a member of Red Poets, taking part in readings in South Wales, where she lives and works. Her poetry collection, Power Play, with illustrations by Jill Powell, was published by Culture Matters in 2018.
Kenneth Pobo was born in Elmhurst, Illinois, on August 24, 1954. But he now lives in Pennsylvania where he teaches Creative Writing and English at Widener University. Poetry collection: Glass Garden (WordTech Press, 2008) called Glass Garden. His online chapbook, Crazy Cakes, can be accessed at
Douglas Polk is a poet living in the wilds of central Nebraska with his wife and two boys, two dogs and four cats. Polk has had over 200 poems published in over 60 publications within the last two years.
Fred Pollack was born in Chicago, Illinois, 1946. He currently resides in Washington. Author of two book-length narrative poems, The Adventure and Happiness, both published by Story Line Press. A collection of shorter poems, A Poverty of Words, 2015 from Prolific Press. Another collection, Landscape With Mutant, Smokestack Books (UK), 2018. Has appeared in Hudson Review, Salmagundi, Poetry Salzburg Review, Die Gazette (Munich), The Fish Anthology (Ireland), Representations, Magma (UK), Iota (UK), Bateau, Main Street Rag, Fulcrum, etc. Online, poems have appeared in Big Bridge, Allegro, Hamilton Stone Review, Diagram, BlazeVox, The New Hampshire Review, Mudlark, Occupoetry, Faircloth Review, Triggerfish, Thunderdome, The Recusant, etc.
John Porter was born and grew up in Colwall, Herefordshire. He studied Russian at Leeds University before spending a few years teaching English in Moscow. On his return to England he worked at the House of Commons in London first shuffling papers and then shuffling websites before returning to the provinces with his partner, as the air is better suited to raising children. He has always relaxed by reading and writing poetry.
Steve Pottinger is a prize-winning poet who has performed across the UK and Ireland, in pubs, clubs, and at festivals. He’s also co-written three punk autobiographies and is the driving force behind Ignite Books.
Frank Praeger is a retired research biologist who was born Nov. 30, 1933 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His most recent publications have been primarily in the UK in Stand, Poetry Monthly, Dream Catcher, the Journal, Curlew, Bolts of Silk, Ink Sweat and Tears, and in the USA in Peregrine and Pegasus. Currently lives in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Gillian Prew was born in Stirling, Scotland on 22nd June 1966. She has a Philosophy degree and a succession of low-paid, menial jobs to her credit. Having abandoned her first novel she currently writes poetry. She has been published online at 10K Poets and has poems in Eviscerator Heaven #1 & #4.
She has also appeared in Up the Staircase and The Glasgow Review. She has two collection of poems, Moving on the Madness and Standing Still in Motion. She can be contacted at
Alan Price is a London poet who has been published in the magazines Envoi, Orbis, Poetry Monthly, The Interpreter’s House, Essence, Obsessed with Pipework, The Delinquent and The Royal Shakespeare Company Website. His poems have also featured in the Ruth O’Callaghan poetry anthologies Genius Floored (2009), Seeking Refuge (2010), A Shadow on the Wall (2011) Alphabet of Days (2012) in America in Rick Lupert’s Ekphrastia Gone Wild (2013) anthology and the 2014 Indigo Dreams anthology, Poets in Person (with an introduction by George Szirtes). Poetry collections: Outfoxing Hyenas (Indigo Dreams, 2012), Mahler’s Hut (Original Plus Books, 2017), Wardrobe Blues for a Japanese Lady (The High Window Press, 2018), The Trio Confessions (The High Window, 2020) and Restless Voices (Caparison, 2020). He is also a keen blogger of essays —
Judith Quaempts lives in the USA in a rural community, population 1200. Her poems and short stories have appeared in several online journals, most recently Pemmican and Camroc Press Review. She also review spoetry for the Internet Review of Books.
John Quicke is originally from West London, where he was born 16.10.41. Quicke has spent most of his professional career in Sheffield. He is a retired professor who has published widely in the field of education. In his book, Inclusion and Psychological Intervention in Schools (Springer, 2009), he draws upon his experiences as a local authority educational psychologist. It consists of a number of ‘factional’ stories which demonstrate how a self reflexive narrative can generate productive insights into educational processes. Other books include A Curriculum for Life (OUP, 1999) and Disability in Modern Children’s Fiction (Croom Helm, 1985). The role of poetry in teaching has been an emerging interest. His own poetry explores a number of cultural and political themes in a contemporary context. His recent collection, Political Ties (2014), has been self published by Matador/Troubador.
Mike Quille was born in Birmingham in 1954. He was a writer and community radio broadcaster on Tyneside, and edited a poetry column in Communist Review, the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of Britain. Since 2016 he has been founding editor of Culture Matters
Terry Quinn was born in Birmingham in 1951. He had a number of jobs before ending up as a night porter in Bournemouth Hospital where he found the technology fascinating. He qualified as a Medical Engineer in 1981 and has worked in hospitals round the UK and abroad. He moved to Preston in 1995. He started writing again in 2000 and has been published in most of the UK small press magazines. He hosts a weekly radio programme on Preston fm called Arts Scene (Monday evening at 7-00pm and it's on line as well).
Miklós Radnóti (1909-1944) was perhaps the greatest poet of the Holocaust. His work will take centre place in a varied and energetic programme of literary and educational events in 2014 marking his country’s Holocaust Memorial Year. The project just announced by the government in Budapest will commemorate the murder of hundreds of thousands of unarmed civilian captives including Radnóti—mostly Jews but also Roma, homosexuals and political dissidents—perpetrated by the Hungarian state in collaboration with Nazi Germany. This happened during the final and most intensive phase of the Holocaust at the close of WWII when an Allied victory was already obvious. These new translations are included in The Survivors: Holocaust Poetry for Our Time by Thomas Ország-Land (Smokestack Press, 2014).
Sam Rapth hails from Southern India where he works a computer programmer. His fiction and poetry have appeared in The Static Movement, Inclement Poetry Magazine and in many Indian journals.
Angela Readman grew up in Middlesbrough in the 1980s. She has had work published in Freida Hughes' column in The Times, the Forward anthology, Staple and Ambit, and has won both The Ragged Raven and Biscuit competitions. She has been published in many anthologies. Poetry collections: The Book of Tides (Nine Arches Press, 2016), Strip (Salt Publishing, 2007), Hard Core (Ek Zuban, 2006), Sex with Elvis (Biscuit Publishing, 2005), Colours/
Colors (Diamond Twig, 2000), Unholy Trinity (Iron Press, 2001). Novel: Something Like Breathing (And Other Stories, 2019).
Patrick Reen was born in 1986 in Port Elizabeth (now, Nelson Mandela Bay), South Africa. He is a third year undergraduate student at the University of Cape Town. This is his first published poem.
Philippa Rees was born and brought up in Southern Africa, where as an only child she accompanied her grandfather on safaris inspecting African schools in remote territories for weeks at a time. Something of that experience colours all her writing; solitude is explored through most of her characters, whether through their inner spaces of courage, or the ostracism directed at unorthodox convictions. Married with four adult daughters, after sojourns in Mozambique, Germany and Florida, she now lives in Somerset, England. Between constant writing she has converted a collection of barns to provide a performing space for young classical musicians. Rees's poetry novel A Shadow in Yucatán (Trafford Publishing) is available at the following link: Her latest work is the didactic long poem Involution
Kevin Reid is 45 yrs old and was born in South West of Scotland. At present he lives and works as a librarian in Angus. He has a first class MA Hons. in English Literature. He has lived in various alternative communities in the North East of Scotland and also lived naked in a tipi community in the Spanish mountains. He has a key role in organising one of Scotland’s longest running teenage book awards. When not reading he writes, paints and enjoys the creative magnificence of digital technology. He has just completed a collection of poems he hopes to have published as his first chapbook.
Moss Rich was born in London on 6th September 1910. He left school in 1926, having matriculated with distinction in English. He went on to the senior school of commerce in the Regent Street Polytechnic (now Westminster University). He married in October 1939 and moved to Bloomsbury. He worked for some years in the timber trade, first as clerk, then advertising manager, then editor of a trade journal. Later, Rich joined his wife Milly’s new business importing tropical seashell, and they relocated to Brighton. In 1975, Rich had a poem satirising Harold Wilson’s Government published in the Times. This sparked a vocation in verse spanning nearly forty years. Rich’s debut chapbook, Requiem for a Typewriter, was published by Pighog in 2005. A further volume, Good Morning Sunshine, appeared two years later, followed by a long poem pamphlet, A Patch of Land to House Six Million Ghosts (2010). Rich's 101st was marked by the publication of his Selected Poems, A Psalm of Consequences for Those Who Can’t Keep Up Monthly Payments (ed. Alan Morrison, Waterloo Press, 2010).
Sally Richards' poetry has appeared in the journals Awen, Carillon, Cauldron, Countryside Matters, Country and Border Life, Dogma Publications, Earlyworks Press, Chimera, The Journal, Monomyth, Orbis, Poetry Express, The Shropshire Star, Splizz, The Strix Varia, Touchstone, Warminster Community Radio (WCR) (featured poet). She has been shortlisted in the Earlyworks Press 2006 national poetry competition and was subsequently published in Routemasters & Mushrooms (Earlyworks Press 2006 winner’s anthology) and won third prize for her poem ‘Steep Hill’ in the Carillon magazine 2007 Open Poetry Competition. Publications: Waiting for Gulliver (with Steve Mann; Caradoc Publications 2005), Stained Glass (Survivors' Press, 2007), Sally Richards—The Bards No. 22 (Atlantean Publishing, 2008), Through the Silent Grove (Masque Publishing, 2008), Emperor Dragonfly (Caparison e-books, 2010). She has a regular poetry column in Country and Border Life magazine and has composed commissions for the Montford Church Flower Festival and as a Poetry Champion for Shrewsbury Library (Shropshire County Council Library service). New website:
Jacob Richardson was born on April 15 1993 in East Yorkshire where he currently resides. His life has a general dedication to literature, political activism and advocacy, and philosophy and music. He writes at
Dominic Rivron writes short stories and poetry. His work has been published in a number of magazines including International Times (IT), Black Nore Review, Obsessed with Pipework and The Fib Review. He lives in the North of England.
Colin Robinson was born in Manchester on 7 March 1953. He emigrated to Australia in 1962. A writer and social activist, in Australia he was well known for his social justice statements and reports on issues such as homelessness, mental illness and poverty. Some of his poems were published in journals such as Meanjin, Mattoid and Poetry Australia. Since returning to England five years ago he had poems accepted by Poetry Scotland, Aesthetica and Ancient Heart amongst others. Robinson is currently working on a book on the experience of homelessness in contemporary Britain, for which he will be visiting towns up and down the East Coast line between London and Edinburgh to gather material. Robinson is also currently working for a charity called Barka who are involved in assisting their homeless compatriots in Britain.
Moya Roddy grew up in a working-class area of Dublin and left school at 17. The idea of becoming a writer was not on the radar, but after she went to London and did Media Studies at a Poly, she decided to give it a go. What also compelled her was the fact she never came across anyone like herself in the books she read. Her first novel The Long Way Home about a young working-class woman who dreams of becoming a dress designer was described in the Irish Times as 'simply brilliant'. Her short story collection Other People (Wordsonthestreet) was long-listed for the Frank O’Connor Award. She has been shortlisted for the Hennessy Award and her debut collection Out of the Ordinary (Salmon) was shortlisted for the Strong Shine Award. Her work has been broadcast on RTE Radio and Television and on Channel 4. All three of the poems collected here were published in Out of the Ordinary (Salmon 2018) and ‘The Girls on my Street’ was also published in the Rush Anthology 2017.
Robert Ronnow's poetry collections include New & Selected Poems: 1975-2005 (Barnwood Press, 2007) and Communicating the Bird (Broken Publications, 2012). Visit his web site at
Anick Roschi was born in France in 1947, of dual Swiss and French nationality. He has a diploma in Physics from the School of Engineer de Genève. He abandoned further studies to travel throughout Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. On returning, Roschi became a socio-cultural worker at the Genevese Institute of Social Studies, for children of the peripheral districts of the city. He won Ireland's Fiele Filiochta Prize. His poetry has appeared in several anthologies in Belgium, Spain and Italy.
Pauline Rowe was raised in Widnes, and has lived and worked in Liverpool for most of her adult life. As an experienced tutor she has worked in the community and health settings on many socially engaged, heritage and writing and wellbeing projects, as well as in Further and Higher Education. She is interested in collaborative practice with other artists. She developed the Liverpool charity North End Writers from scratch (2006–2018). She has been published in anthologies and magazines, including The Rialto, Orbis, Smoke, Smith's Knoll, The Reader, The Frogmore Papers, Staxtes etc. Her pamphlet Playing Out Time was published by Driftwood Publications, her first collection Waiting for the Brown Trout God was published by Headland Publications. In 2014 Lapwing Publications published her collection Voices of the Benares. Her collaborative exhibition Sleeping in the Middle, recorded poems in response to photographs by AJ Wilkinson was shown at Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool, May 2018. Her latest ongoing collaborative work The Allotments – with photographic artist David Lockwood and artist, the late Arthur Lockwood – was shown as part of the LOOK Biennial exhibition at the Victoria Gallery and Museum in Liverpool, September 2019. Pauline has worked as Poet-in-Residence with Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust since 2013 and was the first Writer-in-Residence with Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool (2016–2018). The Ghost Hospital, featuring cover art by Marsden based artist, Kevin Threlfall, appeared in 2019 with Maytree Press. She has written a libretto for composer Dominic Gannon’s cantata – Benares (2005) and a poetry film for Nothing Rhymes with Poets (First Take, 2006).
Hazel Roy works for Arts Promotion, Consultancy and Training in Manchester. Her experiences travel teaching among the impoverished children of Nepal in 2002 formed the subject of her eye-opening book Three Months in Nepal, and also inspired her play Rivers of Shame, which forged links that continue to this day both with theatre and social activists in Nepal and with the young people who took part. Profits from the book go to New Futures Nepal a charity which Roy was instrumental in helping set up.
Marybeth Rua-Larsen was born in 1963 at Fall River, Massachusetts. She been published or is forthcoming in: Measure, 14 by 14, The Barefoot Muse, Soundzine, The Raintown Review, Two Review and The Worcester Review, among others. She has twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and once for
The Best of the Net. She was also shortlisted for the 2007 Philbrick Award.
William Ruleman was born in Memphis, Tennessee in 1957 and educated in schools there. After earning his Ph.D. in English at the University of Mississippi in 1994, he began teaching at Tennessee Wesleyan College, where he is currently Professor of English. His first two books of poems were published by Feather Books of Shrewsbury, and other poems of his have appeared in many journals, including, most recently, The Pennsylvania Review, Innisfree Poetry Journal, and The Road Not Taken, while his translations of early fiction by Stefan Zweig appeared in 2011 from Ariadne Press.
Fred Russell see Fred Skolnik
Philip Ruthen is author of the memoir One Hundred Days War (Feather Books, 2010) and the poetry collections Jetty View Holding (Waterloo Press, 2009), Apple Eye Feat (Waterloo, 2012) and Familial (Waterloo, 2018) – if you can't wait, his short story collection Feint Ruled Lines is now available via Kindle E-book Edition. Philip Ruthen is a former Chair of Survivors’ Poetry.
Vanessa Sadri was born on 16 November 1993 in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, and is half-Sudanese. She worked in retail since she was 16. She now runs her own dog walking business. Her work has previously appeared in The Brown Envelope Book–Poetry and prose on experiences of unemployment, the benefits system, disability and work capability assessments (Caparison, 2021).
Bernard Saint was born in 1950, son of a miner who studied local Roman history. His poetry first appeared in U.K. and U.S.A. magazines and journals from 1964 onwards. Both a literary and performance poet with many public readings and some BBC radio in the 60s and 70s ‘British Poetry Renaissance’; these saw him often in the company of earlier generations of poets including John Heath-Stubbs and Anne Beresford, in whom he found greater affinity. Meary Tambimuttu, the editor of Poetry London in the 40s and resurgent 70s, noted favourable comparisons in his work with Keith Douglas. In a long career of readings he has variously performed under the aegis of New Departures, The Poetry Society, Aquarius, Angels of Fire, The Cambridge International Poetry Festival, The Aldeburgh, and The William Alwyn Festivals, and, locally, Ouse Muse. He has taught at Antioch and Johns Hopkins Colleges (U.S.A.) in their London and Oxford summer schools, but preferred inner-city work as an I.L.E.A. special needs tutor in psychiatric hospital settings. He trained in the Jungian approach to Arts Therapies for groups and individuals, working in NHS Psychiatry and in The Robert Smith Alcohol Unit, in both settings as practitioner, supervisor, and also in private practice. Main Poetry Publications: Testament of the Compass (Burns & Oates 1979), Illuminati (Greville Press 2011), Roma (Smokestack Books 2016), Saturae & Satire – poems of John Heath-Stubbs (Ed.) (Greville Press 2016), Welcome Back to the Studio (Cassette only) (Lyrenote 1988). His poetry has also appeared in the anthologies Poems of Science (Penguin 1984) and Transformation (Rivelin Grapheme 1988).
Chrys Salt was born on 15 May 1944 in Birmingham. She has authored four full poetry collections and four pamphlet collections. Work has been performed on Radios 3 and 4 read by Salt and others, UK wide, in the USA, Canada, France, Germany, Finland and India. She will be Sole International Poet at the Tasmanian Poetry Festival 2019. 'The Burning' was selected for the Best Scottish Poems 2012. In 2014 Weaver of Grass was shortlisted for the Callum Macdonald Memorial Award, she received Creative Scotland Bursary to finish her penultimate collection Dancing on a Rock (Pub: IDP) and another to research her next collection about The Klondike Gold Rush, She was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List for Services to the Arts.
Farida Samerkhanova was born on March 20, 1957, in Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia. Her native language is Tatarian, her second Russian, and third, English, which has become her passion. She writes in English, but there are poems that appear in English and Russian. They are not translations – they come to her mind in both languages. Between 2007-2009 her poems, short stories and essays were published in Canadian Stories; Inscribed~A Magazine for Writers; The Maynard; Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts;, Danse Macabre (including Totentanze, All Saints’ Evening and Weihnachtsmarkt issues), Seeding the Snow (the illustration is also her credit), The Write Place at the Write Time, Calliope (Issue #125 – Fall 2009), Word Salad Poetry Magazine, Tower Poetry and Of(f)Course – A Literary Journal. Some of her poems were included in The Maynard Anthology 2008 (Canada), and in the anthologies Immortal Verses (USA) and Favourite Memories (UK). New pieces are accepted for 2010 Winter/Spring edition of, issue #130 of Zigote in my Coffee (due out January 25, 2010), Other Clutter (due December 2009), Canadian Immigrant Magazine (December 2009) and Calliope (Winter 2010 issue). Samerkhanova lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Clare Saponia is a Berlin-based writer and linguist. She has three poetry collections: Copywriting War and other Business Sins (Olympia Publishers 2011), The Oranges of Revolution (Smokestack Books 2015) and Federal Gods (Palewell Press, 2022), and is currently working on a novel and YA fiction. Her work has appeared in a range of magazines and anthologies including: Emergency Verse – Poetry in Defence of the Welfare State (Caparison 2011), The Robin Hood Book – Verse Versus Austerity (Caparison 2012), Kakania – An Anthology (Austrian Cultural Forum 2015) and Witches, Warriors, Workers (Culture Matters 2020).
Jaydeep Sarangi is a leading scholar, poet and critic on marginal literatures and Indian writing in English with twenty nine books and hundred research articles. Widely anthologised and reviewed as a poet, and translator Dr Sarangi has delivered talks on translation studies in several countries and conducted workshops. He has translated Bengali dalit poems/stories into English as well as edited a number of anthologies of translations of Bengali Dalit writings. He has been anthologised as a translating contributor to Oxford University Press, India. He has four collections of poems in English. Sarangi is the Associate Professor in English, Deptt. Of English at Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri College (Calcutta University), 30,Prince Anwar Shah Road, Tollygunj, Kolkata-700033,WB, India.
Partha Sarkar was born on 17.12.68 and is from West Bengal, India.
Kevin Saving was born and still lives in the Home Counties market town of Winslow. He has worked in the caring professions all his adult life and trained as a psychiatric nurse at the University of Northampton. Two poetry chapbooks, A Brand of Day (1994), and Rough Bearings (2005), an ebook Miracle and Mirage (Caparison, 2010), and a full collection, A Want of Absence (Lapwing Publications, 2017). His work has been published in such diverse outlets as Poetry Express, The Independent on Sunday, Krax, Poetry Review and by The Happenstance press. His poem, 'Dog Otter', won third prize in the 2006 National Poetry Competition. Saving is The Recusant's most prolific reviewer to date.
Gordon Scapens was born in Liverpool in 1934. He is widely published over many years in numerous magazines and journals including The Journal, Acumen, Pennine Platform, High Window, ,Pulsar, Dream Catcher, Cannon’s Mouth, Frogmore Papers, Interpreters House, London Grip, Morphrog and DREICH. Refuses to take himself seriously. Lives in a suburb of Preston with his wife, who’s friend, critic, muse and editor. Plays acoustic guitar averagely to her singing.
Eduard Schmidt-Zorner is a translator and writer of poetry, haibun, and short stories. He writes haibun, tanka, haiku and poetry in four languages: English, French, Spanish and German and holds workshops on Japanese and Chinese style poetry and prose. Member of four writer groups in Ireland and lives in County Kerry, Ireland, for more than 25 years and is a proud Irish citizen, born in Germany (1946). Published in 61 anthologies, literary journals and broadsheets in UK, Ireland, Canada and USA. Writes also under his pen name: Eadbhard McGowan
Patrick Schober was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania on July 31, 1991. He is an undergraduate at Seton Hill University.
Joel Schueler was born on 5 September 1985 in London. His work has appeared in over ten countries in over fifty publications including Pennsylvania Literary Journal, London Poetry Magazine & The Brasilia Review. Poetry for Mr Gould (Cyberwit, 2021) is his first book of poetry. From London, he has a BA (Hons) in English Literature & Creative Writing from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. He is author of Love Your Fear: A Quick Self-Help Guide to Managing Anxiety and Jim & Martha: A Novel on Eco Living.
James Scully was born in New Haven, Connecticut in 1937. His mother was a factory worker and his father a shipping clerk. In the 1960s he was heavily involved in the anti–war movement in the USA. In 1973–4 he and his family lived in Chile; after the military coup their Santiago apartment was used as a safe house by the Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria. He has published ten books of poetry, as well as translations of Aeschylus and of Quechua poetry from Bolivia. Other books include Line Break, Vagabond Flags, The Complete Plays of Sophocles (with Bob Bagg), and Angel In Flames: Selected Poems & Translations, 1967-2011 (Smokestack Books, 2011). He lives in Vermont with his wife, Arlene.
LB Sedlacek was born in Lenoir, NC (USA) in 1970. Poetry has appeared in a variety of publications such as Word Riot, Passport Journal, Heritage Writer, sidereality, Bear Creek Haiku, Down in the Cellar, Open Mouse, Transparent Words, Inkburns, Poet's Canvas, Spiky Palm, X Magazine, ReVerb, HazMat Review, 3Lights, and ART:MAG. Her chapbooks include Alexandra's Wreck and Average Bears. LB is co-host of the podcast Coffee House to Go.
John Seed is a retired gentleman-scholar, far from the strife of the state “welfare system” these days. He was nevertheless active in the Claimant’s Union around 1971-2 and was one of a group of young people who tried to get an Unemployed Workers Union on the ground in the North-East at that time — while signing on every week. Joe Mills at the T&GWU in Newcastle gave support and as a terrifed long-haired 21-year old Seed was dragged before both the Gateshead and the Newcastle Trades Councils to make an inarticulate appeal. It all fizzled out and he took another path. He is the author of a dozen collections of verse, including: New and Collected Poems (Shearsman, 2005), Manchester: August 16th & 17th 1819 (Intercapillary Editions, 2013), Brandon Pithouse, Recollections of the Durham Coalfield (Smokestack 2016) and Melancholy Occurrence (Shearsman, 2018).
Anthony Seidman was born in 1973. He is a poet, and translator of contemporary Latin American poetry. His work has appeared in The Bitter Oleander, Nimrod, Rattle, Hofstra Review of Hispanic Literature, and in the cultural supplements for La Jornada, the major newspaper of Mexico City, and La Prensa, from Managua, Nicaragua. His recent books include Combustions (March Street Press) and Where Thirsts Intersect (The Bitter Oleander Press).
Sanjeev Sethi is published in over thirty countries. His poems have found a home in more than 350 journals, anthologies, or online literary venues. Bleb, a Wee Book from Dreich in Scotland (2021). Wrappings in Bespoke is joint-winner of Full Fat Collection Competition-Deux organized by The Hedgehog Poetry Press UK. It is his fifth collection. He lives in Mumbai, India.
Sam Silva lives in North Carolina, USA. His poetry has appeared in legion journals including Samisdat, Sow's Ear, The American Muse, St. Andrews Review, Dog River Review, Third Lung Review, Main St. Rag, Charlotte Poetry Review, Parnasus, Rio Del Arts, Megaera, Big Bridge, Comrade Magazine, Ken Again and at least thirty others. Nine chapbooks published by Third Lung, M.A.F., Alpha Beat and Trouth Creek presses. These chapbooks were well received in newspaper reviews by Shelby Stephenson, Ron Bayes, Steve Smith, and the late poet laureate of North Carolina Sam Ragan, and solicited by Brown and Yale Universities for their libraries. Silva has a full length collection of poetry called Eating and Drinking based on a royalties contract signed with Bright Spark Creative. Sam Silva's Selected Poems is available at:
Ken Simpson is an Australian essayist and poet. Educated at Scotch College and Swinburne Art School. Taught. Began writing short stories. Switched to writing free verse poetry and essays. One poetry collection: Patterns of Perception (Augur Press, UK), January 2015.
Fiona Sinclair is the editor of the on line poetry magazine Message in a Bottle. Her poetry has appeared in Snakeskin Poetry Webzine; Obsessed with Pipework; London Grip: Prole Magazine; The Lake; The Journal Literary Magazine: The Peeking Cat: Ascent Aspirations; and Pulsar. Poetry collections: Ladies Who Lunch (Lapwing Publications, 2014), A Talent for Hats (Dempsey & Windle Publishing, 2017), Slow Burner (Smokestack Books, 2018), The Time Traveller's Picnic D&W Publishing, 2019), Greedy Cow (Smokestack, 2021), Second Wind (D&W Publishing, 2022).
Ron Singer's poems ( have appeared in many publications, and some have been anthologized or set to music. He has published six books, and he recently completed three trips to Africa for Uhuru Revisited: Interviews with Pro-Democracy Leaders (forthcoming). His work has twice been nominated for Pushcart Prizes.
Fred Skolnik is a writer based in Jerusalem. Under his pseudonym Fred Russell, he has published a novel called Rafi’s World (Fomite Press) as well as stories and essays in Polluto, Fear of Monkeys, Citizens for Decent Literature, Ontologica, Fiction on the Web and Wilderness House Literary Review.
George Tod Slone is 61 years young. He is founding editor of The American Dissident, unemployed university professor, outcast, iconoclast, and fervent believer in “going upright and vital, and speaking the rude truth in all ways” (Emerson).
Barry Smith is currently the director of the South Downs Poetry Festival and co-ordinator of the Festival of Chichester. He curates the poetry element of Blakefest and edits Poetry & All That Jazz magazine. Smith was runner-up in a recent BBC Proms Poetry Competition, and shortlisted for the Bread & Roses Songwriting and Spoken Word Award, 2021. Poems in Acumen, Agenda, Frogmore Papers, South, Stony Thursday Book and London Grip. Poetry collection: Performance Rites (Waterloo Press, 2021).
Benjamin Smith was born on 25 January 1985 in Ashford, Middlesex, UK and grew up in Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire. He spent three years traveling through the Americas and is currently living in Guadalajara, Mexico where he is working on an untitled collection of poetry influenced by his experiences.
Ian C. Smith’s work has appeared in Australian Poetry Journal, New Contrast, Poetry Salzburg Review, Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, Rabbit Journal, The Weekend Australian and Westerly. His seventh book is wonder sadness madness joy (Ginninderra; Port Adelaide). He lives in the Gippsland Lakes area of Victoria, Australia.
Felino Soriano (d. 2018) was a case manager working with developmentally and physically disabled adults. He was the author of three poetry chapbooks: Exhibits Require Understanding Open Eyes (Trainwreck Press, 2008), Feeling Through Mirages (Shadow Archer Press, 2008), an e-book Among the Interrogated (BlazeVOX [books], 2008), Abstract Appearance Reaching Toward the Absolute (Trainwreck Press, 2009). The juxtaposition of his philosophical studies with his love of classic and avant-garde jazz explained his poetic motivation.
Serena Spinello was born and raised in New York. She currently resides on Long Island. Her poems have been published in Clockwise Cat, The Houston Literary Review, Conceit Magazine, 63 Channels, Sien en Werden, The Centrifugal Eye, Cause and Effect, Mississippi Crow, Lachryma: Modern Songs of Lament, Zygote in my Coffee, Hecale, Scorched Earth Publishing, The Flask Review and The Verse Marauder.
Constance Stadler has been writing, publishing, and editing poetry from the ‘prehistoric’ epoch of print journals to modern e-times. She was a former editor of South and West and is currently a contributing editor to the e-zine Eviscerator Heaven and Review Editor for Calliope Nerve. She has published over 300 poems and three chapbooks in her ‘first manifestation’ as a poet. Her second phase includes: Tinted Steam (Shadow Archer Press), Sublunary Curse (Erbacce), an eBook, Paper Cuts (Calliope Nerve Media) and Responsorials (NeoPoeisis Press). Poems in BlazeVox, ditch, ken*again, Pen Himalaya, Rain Over Bouville, Clockwise Cat, Unlikely Stories 2.0, Hanging Moss, Neonbeam, and Gloom Cupboard. She has been ‘Featured Poet’ for the Guild of Outsider Writers, Counterexample Poetics and The Poetry Warrior.
Derek Stanford FRSL (1918-2008) was a British writer, known as a biographer, essayist and poet. He was educated at Upper Latymer School, Hammersmith, London. As a conscientious objector during World War II he served in the Non-combatant Corps. He edited Resistance, a poetry magazine of just one issue, with David West in 1946. For a period in the early 1950s he worked with Muriel Spark on several books. Spark convinced him of the talent of Dylan Thomas, and Stanford wrote an early book on Thomas shortly after his death. Stanford was a prolific poet as well as critic. His many works included Three Poets of the Rhymers Club: Ernest Dowson, Lionel Johnson, John Davidson (1974) and Inside the Forties: literary memoirs, 1937-1957 (1977), as well as numerous biographical studies of poets and writers including Anne and Emily Brontë, Christopher Fry and T.S. Eliot. Stanford's particular expertise was in the poetry of the late Victorian period, mostly the 1890s. He died on 19 December 2008 in Brighton, survived by his widow, poet Julie (Stanford) Whitby, who is now custodian of his literary estate.
Geoff Stevens (d. 2012) was born in the industrial Black Country of England in 1942. He started writing poetry in the 1970s and as since been widely published. He was editor of Purple Patch poetry magazine since 1976. Poetry collections: The Phrenology of Anaglypta (Bluechrome, 2003), A Keelhauling through Ireland Barnacle and All and Islands in the Blood (Indigo Dreams Publishing, 2010), Blue Hyacinths (, 2010), Sleeping With You and Other Night-time Adventures (Indigo Dreams, 2010).
Paul Stevens was born in Yorkshire, England but lives in Australia. He has an Honours Degree in English and Archaeology, and teaches Literature. He has published poems and prose in print and pixel, most recently or imminently in Mannequin Envy, The Barefoot Muse, Shakespeare's Monkey Revue, The Literary Bohemian, The HyperTexts, Goblin Fruit, New Verse News, Abyss & Apex, Umbrella, Lighten Up Online, Lucid Rhythms, Ourobouros Review, Innisfree, Snakeskin, Unlikely 2.0, Centrifugal Eye and The Raintown Review. He edits The Flea and The Chimaera.
Lynda Stevens was born in Southampton in 1959 but her family moved to the Midlands when she was 10. She was at Warwick University from 1977-1981, graduating with a degree in English/Italian Lit. She lived in Leamington from 1982-1986, in Coventry until 1994, then she left Brighton for Budapest in 1996 for a teaching post in a Gimnazium. She returned briefly in 1998, but left the UK again in 1999 and set up her own business in 2000. In 2005 she bought her own flat in Budapest.
Peter Street is a British autistic author and poet, born in Wigan, 1948. He has published five poetry collections and performed his work internationally on television and radio, including BBC Manchester, where he was poet in residence. He won a National Poetry Society commission and wrote a series of poems in collaboration with fine artist Tony Bevan. Street was a Royal Literary Fund recipient and has been writer-in-residence in schools, colleges and prisons. He is also a qualified youth worker, and previously worked as a chef, head gardener, gravedigger and exhumer. Street was diagnosed epileptic at fifteen, and, fifty years later, after returning from war-torn Croatia with PTSD, received his formal autism diagnosis at the age of sixty-six. He lives with his wife Sandra, and has two children and six grandchildren. His poetry has also been seen on television in Germany, Holland and here in England on both ITV and BBC. Poetry collections: Out Of The Fire (Spike Books, 1993) (a Forward Nomination), Still Standing (TowPath Press, 1998), Trees Will Be Trees (Shoestring Press, 2001), Thumbing from Lipik to Pakrac – New and Selected Poems (Waterloo Press, 2009), Earth Talk (Caparison, 2019). In 2006 Peter was commissioned to write poetry for a Tony Bevan Catalogue, a way in, to Tony's paintings. His poetry has also been seen on television in Germany, Holland and here in England on both ITV and BBC. Memoirs: Hidden Depths: The life and loves of a young grave digger (Preeta Press, 2018) and Goalkeeper: Memoir of Poet Peter Street (Games, Secrets, Epilepsy & Love) (Spondylux Press, London, 2021).
Ray Succre was born in 1976, on Bastille day, in California. He currently lives on the Southern Oregon coast with his wife and baby son. He has been published in Aesthetica, Nthposition, and Coconut, as well as in numerous other publications across as many countries. His influences include Milton, Dylan Thomas, Walt Whitman and Hart Crane.
Thomas Sullivan’s writing has appeared in Bad Idea Magazine and 3AM Magazine, among others. He is the author of Life In The Slow Lane, a comic memoir about teaching drivers education. For information on this title, please visit his author website at
Paul Summers was born in Northumberland but has been living in tropical central Queensland for the last four and a half years. A founding editor of the magazines Billy Liar and Liar Republic, he has written extensively for TV, film, radio and the theatre. His books include Cunawabi, The Rat’s Mirror, The Last Bus, Vermeer’s Dark Parlour, Big Bella’s Dirty Cafe and Three Men on the Metro (with Andy Croft and Bill Herbert). His most recent books are union - new & selected poems (Smokestack Books, 2011), primitive cartography (Smokestack, 2014), straya (Smokestack, 2017), arise! (Culture Matters, 2018), and as editor and contributor William Blake at the Bridge Hotel: Ten Newcastle Poets (Culture Matters, 2021). He lives in North Shields.
John Sweet, b. 1968 in rural New Hampshire, most of his life spent roaming aimlessly through the wide open fields of upstate New York. A believer in writing as catharsis and in Cubism as a way of life. Poetry collections include The Century of Dreaming Monsters (2014 Lummox Press) and A Nation of Assholes W/ Guns (2015 Scars Publications).
Hanna Szenes (1921-1944) was marked in her native Budapest by a series of civic events on November 7. She emigrated as a Jewish youth to Palestine to escape rising Fascism in Europe, and eventually joined the British Army there. She was parachuted into partisan-held territory in Croatia, from where she trekked to neighbouring Hungary with a dual mission to rescue downed Allied aircrews and assist the Zionist resistance to the mass murder of Jews. She was betrayed, imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Today, she is revered as a war hero – and her songs, mostly about love, faith and nature, are sung the world over.
Tanner congealed in Liverpool tomorrow. Novel: Jobseeker (2016). Poems in Orbis, Decanto, Krax, Brittle Star, Erbacce, The Journal, Splizz, Magma, Purple Patch, Urban District Writer (urban district writer '08 award), Dawntreader, Rialto, Pulsar, Runcible Spoon, The Crazy Oik, The Penniless Press, Monkey Kettle, Rain Dog. Three poetry collections published by The Penniless Press: The Ism Prison (2012), Class Act (2015), Shop Talk—Poems for Shop Workers (Oct 2019).
Laura Taylor has been writing and performing poetry for three years, and has lost control of the brakes. She was born in a hospital that no longer exists, in Whiston, Merseyside, on 2nd January, 1968, and no one ever remembers her birthday.
Barry Tebb was born in Leeds in 1942. He studied English at Leeds Training College and sat at the feet of a series of Gregory Fellows in Poetry at the University of Leeds including Martin Bell, Peter Redgrove, Jon Silkin and David Wright. His first collection The Quarrel with Ourselves (Poet & Printer, 1966) was praised by John Carey in The New Statesman and he appeared in Children of Albion (ed. Michael Horovitz, Penguin, 1969), and in Three Regional Voices alongside Michael Longley and Ian Crichton-Smith. He edited Five Quiet Shouters which included work by the then unknown Angela Carter. In 1995 he founded Sixties Press and has edited the magazines, Literature and Psychoanalysis, Leeds Poetry Weekly and Poetry Leeds. He has published a novel, The Great Freedom, an autobiography, Dancing to Nobody’s Tune, and several collections of poetry including two Selected and a Collected Poems. Other collections include: The Lights of Leeds (Redbeck Press, 2001), Cut Flowers—Selected Poems 1964-2015 (Sixties Press, 2015), Collected Poems 1964-2016 (Sixties Press, 2016). He edited the anthologies Orphans of Albion—Poetry of the British Underground (Survivors'/ Sixties Press, 2005), Sixties Press anthology of Gregory Fellows' Poetry (co-author with Debjani Chatterjee, 2005), The real survivors anthology: poetry for life (Sixties Press, 2006).
Kalyani Thakur is a leading Bangla dalit poetess. She has four collections of poems. She is associated with literary movement in West Bengal.
Michael Thorne was born in Hereford in 1982 and currently lives in London. He has travelled extensively; growing up in the Middle East and also living in Morocco. He has been published in a number of magazines including Blueprint, Gold Dust, The Delinquent, South Bank Poetry, The Sentinel and The Poetry Warrior. He continues to write with due diligence and fanaticism. Poetry collection: Divinity is Prised Loose (2009).
Michael Tinarwo is originally from Zimbabwe. He is a human rights activist using his poetry to bring attention to the human rights abuses in Zimbabwe so that the post-Mugabe era will move towards a democratic country that will be a beacon and an example for all African countries to follow.
Xelís de Toro was born in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, in 1962. He is one of the leading Galician novelists of his generation and has won various prizes and awards for his fiction. His novels include: Seis cordas e un corazón (tr. Six strings and a Heart; Xerais, 1989), under the pseudonym Roque Morteiro, Non hai misericordia (tr. There Is No Mercy; Positivas, 1990), Terminal (Positivas, 1990), Os saltimbanquis no paraíso (The Saltimbanchi In Paradise; Sotelo Blanco, 1999), and The Corunna Boats (Infantil E Xuvenil, 2005). Children's books include: O trompetista e a lúa (The Trumpeter and the Moon; Edebá-Rodeira, 1998) and A máquina contacontos (The Storytelling Machine; Edebé-Rodeira, 2000), which have been translated into several languages. de Toro has written extensively in academic publications on Galician culture. He was a founding member of the publishing house Edicións Positivas and directed its cultural magazine Anima+l. He writes for and performs with Rough Company, a collective of visual arts performers. He has recently edited a major anthology of short stories by Galicia’s leading writers, From the Beginning of the Sea (Foreign Demand, 2008), a project from the collective Boca2mouth, published in English. de Toro lives in Brighton, England, and has lived in various areas of the UK since 1999.
Angela Topping was born on 2 October 1954 and educated at Liverpool University. She has published four solo collections: Dandelions for Mothers’ Day (Stride, 1988/9), The Fiddle: New and Selected Poems (Stride, 1989), The Way We Came (bluechrome, 2007) and The New Generation—Children's Poetry (Salt, 2010). She has also written critical works on Michael Frayn, Angela Carter (both Greenwich Exchange) and John Clare (Everyman). She lives in Cheshire where she works as a freelance poet, author and editor for Stride critical books and anthologies. With Alan Morrison she co-edited The Robin Hood Book—Verse Versus Austerity (Caparison, 2012).
N.N. Trakakis (b.1972, Melbourne) is senior lecturer in philosophy at the Australian Catholic University and also writes, edits and translates poetry. His previous translations of Leivaditis’ work include The Blind Man with the Lamp (Denise Harvey Publications, 2014), Violets for a Season (Red Dragonfly Press, 2017), and Autumn Manuscripts (Smokestack Books, 2020).
David Trame was born in Venice, Italy, in 1953. He has been writing poems exclusively in English since 1993, many of which have been published in legion journals including Poetry New Zealand, New Contrast, Nimrod, Poet Lor, Dream Catcher, The SHOp, River Oak, Aesthetica, the Hurricane Review, Black Mountain Review, The Haiku Quarterly, Sierra Nevada Review, Event, Hawaii Pacific Review, Stand, Urthona Magazine, Orbis. His poetry collection Re-Emerging was published by in 2006.
David Trippas was born in Birmingham on 24th October 1950. He spent his formative years in Small Heath with a posy of thespians who boarded in the attic. In 1958 he moved to a large new house in Sutton Coldfield as the family business of tool and jig manufacture was doing well. He passed his Common Entrance exam to public school. This did not suit him and so he was enrolled at the local Secondary Modern and left with a tool box of exams. He hit the road in 1969 and soon got into the underground thing and decided to spend the summer at the festivals and sign on in Glasgow in the winter. A couple of years later he was sectioned in Erdington. He was forcibly drugged and plugged into the mains, brain damaged and labelled and chucked out 9 months latter. He spent about ten years in bedsit land on welfare, about £1 a day at the time. Then he moved into a flat and got married, at which time he started writing poetry. He joined Survivors Speak Out and represented the Midlands at National Mind in London. He started taking reportage photographs about the same time. He has two websites: and
Chris G. Vaillancourt was born on April 5, 1959 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. He has been involved in the art of writing as long as he can remember. A Canadian poet, Vaillancourt has enjoyed publication in numerous small poetry magazines and newsletters, such as Pagan Lady Poetry Journal, The Inkling; The Lance; Opussum Review; Red Dragon; Poesia International; Plum Ruby Review; Windsor Star; Quills, Poetry Sharings, Poesy, Poetry Stop, Detour Memphis and a host of other print and ezine publications. His chapbooks include: A Yellow Sunshine Night (4 Winds Press) and Teardrop of Coloured Soul (PublishAmerica). He has a BA in Psychology from the University of Windsor and a Diploma in Sacerdotal Ministry from the Saint Andrew Theological Institute.
Carrie Viens was born on 14 September, 1982 in Putnam Connecticut. She currently lives in Willimantic and attends graduate school for clinical psychology. This his her first published credit and also her first ever submission to a journal.
Jane Shay Wald lives in Los Angeles, California, where she is a noted intellectual property rights lawyer with the soul of a graffiti artist.
William Walters grew up near Liberal, Kansas (How’s that for an oxymoronic placename?) and now lives near Rockford, Illinois, where he’s been a Professor of English and linguistics at Rock Valley College for the past twenty-five years. He’s published poems in a couple of literary journals in the US.
Christian Ward was born in 1980 in Westminster, London. He currently works as a writer in London. His work has appeared in Sein Und Werden, The Beat, and elsewhere.
J.S. Watts was born in London in 1961, read English at Somerville College, Oxford and now lives and writes in the flatlands of East Anglia. Her poetry, short fiction and reviews have been published in a variety of magazines and publications in Britain, Canada and the States including: Acumen, Ascent Aspirations, Brittle Star, Dark Horizons, Envoi, The Journal, Orbis, Serendipity, Tandem and The Ugly Tree. In 2009 her short story Jenny won third prize in the 2009 Wells Literary Festival International Short Story Competition and was recently broadcast by the BBC.
Alan Weadick has worked in a wide variety of jobs across the construction, retail, health, manufacturing and security sectors, while at the same time being involved as an actor, writer and backstage in the fringe theatre scene of the 1990s. More recently, he has been publishing poetry and short stories in outlets including the Irish Times, Cyphers, Southword and the Honest Ulsterman. He was a reader at Poetry Ireland’s Introductions, has been long and shortlisted for competitions including Listowel Writers week, Strokestown Poetry festival, the National Poetry competition (UK 2017) the Francis McManus short story competition and been nominated for a Hennessy Literary Award (Emerging Poetry, 2016). He continues to work as a security officer in Dublin, where he lives with his wife and two children.
D.H. Wheatley was born 29/12/1981. He is a writer/photographer from Tasmania, Australia who is currently studying as a Library Technician and working part-time as a Librarian. He has previously been published in The Buzz and The Source street presses and exhibited his photography work in a local gallery.
Lee Whensley was born 7th December 1972 in Darlington (Greenbank Maternity hospital - the same as Vic Reeves!), but he has always lived slightly further north. The Storyteller is an intro to a book he's been writing for the past year. He is involved with a poetry forum site,
Julie Whitby (Stanford) is a widely published poet, with appearances in the TLS, the Independent, the Daily Express, Ambit, Country Life, Poetry Review, etc. and in various anthologies. The Violet Room (Acumen, 1994) was her acclaimed debut collection; a second volume, Poems for Lovers (Agenda Editions) appearing in 2001. Trained as an actress, she has worked in theatre and on TV: recently she gave three broadcasts for the BBC in connection with Poems for Lovers. She is the widow of poet and critic Derek Stanford, whose death was marked by obituaries in The Guardian and The Independent.
Lynn White was born in Sheffield in 1945 and now lives in North Wales. Her poetry is influenced by issues of social justice and events, places and people she has known or imagined. She is especially interested in exploring the boundaries of dream, fantasy and reality. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net and a Rhysling Award. Find Lynn at: and
Petra Whiteley immigrated to UK in 1993 from the Czech Republic, where she studied Economics, Czech, English and Literature. Her poetry has appeared in Osprey, The Glasgow Review, ETC, Seven Circle Press and their CircleShow vol.1 printed anthology, The Gloom Cupboard, Eviscerator Heaven, Unlikely Stories 2.0, Counterexamplepoetics, Apt, Eleutheria and is due to appear in Clockwise Cat, Paraphilia and The Toronto Quarterly. She is also a prose editor for Eviscerator Heaven. Several of these e-zines also published her articles on political and current issues (left-wing position), history and methods of literary and poetic movements as well as essays on and reviews of current poets, lyricists—with more forthcoming. Ettrick Forest Press published her first poetry collection The Nomad's Trail in September 2008. A chapbook, The Moulding of Seers, was published by the Shadow Archer Press in 2009.
Daniel Wilcox was born on April 24, 1947 in the very small town of Humboldt, Nebraska. He has a degree in Creative Writing from California State University, Long Beach. He is a former activist, teacher, wanderer who has farmed in the Middle East and lived on an island in eastern Pennsylvania while working in a mental hospital during the Vietnam War. His writing has appeared in The Other Side Magazine, various poetry journals such as The Centrifugal Eye, Sentinel Poetry Online, The November 3rd Club, and Words-Myth. The Clockwise Cat published five of his political poems in November 2007. His short story about the Middle East, The Faces of Stone, appeared in the September 2007 issue of The Danforth Review. He currently resides on the California coast with his wife and son.
Ben Willems was born in Reading on 1st December 1974. He now lives in Manchester and has been living in the North since 2000. He completed a Creative Writing MA at MMU and has been performing poetry since 2003. He has been an activist of the anti-Iraq War movement, and prior to that, had even been present at Greenham Common protests as a kid. He has done a fair bit of activism in the past 10-15 years including two trips to Palestine with the Easton Cowboys of Bristol.
Brenda Williams (10 Dec 1948-19 July 2015) was born in Leeds. A prolific poet and lifelong protestor and mental health activist, her many books and chapbooks were published by Barry Tebb's Sixties Press, including her voluminous Collected Poems, which comprised legion sonnets, a form Williams worked in prolifically.
Gwilym Williams was born in 1948. He currently lives in the baroque city of Vienna, Austria. His poetry has appeared in Poetry Salzburg Review, iota, Pulsar, Poetry Monthly, Current Affairs and ink-sweat-and-tears as well as in the Ragged Raven Press anthology, The White Car. He has also reviewed for New Hope International and Pulsar. Poetry collections: Mavericks (Kitchen Table Publications, 2007) and Genteel Messages (Poetry Monthly Press, 2008). He is editor of webzine Poet-in-Residence.
Richard Wink was born on 10th February 1984. He is a writer based in Norwich, England. He edits the litzine Gloom Cupboard. Chapbook: Delirium is a Disease of the Night (Shadow Archer Press,
Doog Wood's family has lived in Western North Carolina for over two-hundred years. His poems have appeared in Seam, Poetry Monthly, The New Writer and a recent anthology by Yarroway Mountain Press. He has read and lectured at Universities and Institutes in the United States, Europe, and North Africa. He lives and teaches in Dublin, Ireland.
Phil Wood was born in Wales, 1961. He found permanent employment in a statistics office after being made redundant in the shipping industry. Temporary work included teaching for N.A.C.R.O. He enjoys working with numbers and words. Previously published work can be found in various publications: The Centrifugal Eye, Message in a Bottle, Streetcake Magazine, London Grip, The Open Mouse, Message in a Bottle, Ink Sweat and Tears, The Recusant, The Stare's Nest.
Abi Wyatt was born on 4th July, 1956 on the outskirts of London but now lives in Cornwall in the shadow of Carn Brea. Once a teacher of English, she quit in 2004 to concentrate on her own writing. Since then, she has been fortunate enough to place her poetry and short fiction in a wide range of publications including Words with JAM, One Million Stories and Poetic Diversity. Her poetry collection, Moths in a Jar (Palores) appeared in 2010. She is the founder member of Redruth Writers who meet monthly at The Melting Pot Cafe.
Michael Wyndham was born on 23rd April 1975 in Hammersmith, London. He is a regular performer on the London poetry circuit, was first runner-up in the Frogmore Press Poetry Competition 2006 and has been published in The Frogmore Papers, The Ugly Tree, The Delinquent & South Bank Poetry.